ILoveKickboxing-Sandy Rolls Out a Mega Fat Blasting Challenge to Help Students Jump-Start Their New Year Fitness Goals!

Fitness Kickboxing studio helps Sandy residents reach their new year's fitness goals with an amazing "Fat Blasting Challenge"

iLoveKickboxing-Sandy, a fitness Kickboxing studio in Sandy Utah, is starting a very exciting challenge for all of their Kickboxing students. The Mega Fat Blasting Challenge will run for 90 days from January 2nd to March 31st. As the New Year begins to unfold, iLoveKickboxing-Sandy is excited to help new and long-term students reach their fitness goals to make 2014 the healthiest, happiest year possible!

The Challenge - Come to as many classes as possible in 90 days!

The Goal - The top prize, the Spartan level, goes to everyone who averages 5 classes a week or more!

iLoveKickboxing-Sandy has helped many Sandy residents reach their fitness goals since they opened their doors. They have helped people lose anywhere from 10 to 120 pounds, lose fat and build muscle, and feel happier, healthier, stronger, and more confident. Last year they even had a student win a National Body Transformation contest with a prize of $1,000! This year their goal is to help even more students realize their dreams of feeling happy, healthy, and fit.

Anissa Berriochoa, an instructor at iLoveKickboxing-Sandy, said, "I am so excited for this new challenge! As someone who teaches Kickboxing, as well as someone who takes Kickboxing, I know that this is a great opportunity for me to push myself to be better and for me to make a difference in the lives of my students. It's always good to have a little healthy competition to push you farther and inspire you to be better."

The students have been thrilled about the challenge as well, making comments like, "I am so excited about this challenge! Thanks for motivating us! Best gym ever!", "Yay! So excited!" and "I need this!"

The staff at iLoveKickboxing-Sandy will be providing more than their amazing fat blasting classes to help students reach their goals in 2014. On top of the Mega Fat Blasting Challenge, they will be providing free nutrition seminars, in-class health and fitness tips, and even meal plans to help their students make a change in their eating habits as well.

iLoveKickboxing-Sandy manager, Brittany Alleman Ayers, said, "Looking good and feeling good is about more than just working out, you need good nutrition too. I love that we have all these great nutrition tools to give our students. When we help them learn how to eat right and exercise regularly, amazing things happen. We see people come in and transform their lives every day. I am excited for the Mega Fat Blasting Challenge because I know that as our students step up to the plate and kick their exercise routine into gear, while making healthy eating choices, it will make reaching their fitness goals for 2014 easy!"

For more information about fitness kickboxing in Sandy check out the website:


Tags: Boxing, cardio, exercise, fitness, kick, Kickboxing, MARTIAL ARTS, sport, sports, weight loss, work out, workout

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Brett Lechtenberg
Press Contact, Personal Mastery Martial Arts
Personal Mastery Martial Arts
8665 Highland Dr
Sandy, UT 84093
United States