Ilumi's New MeshTek Modules and Lighting Controllers Enable Third Party Manufacturers to Rapidly Create "Smart" Devices and Lights

​​​Continuing the expansion of the MeshTek(™) Bluetooth mesh ecosystem,  ilumi solutions announces the shipment of the MeshTek Bluetooth LE modules and lighting controllers to enable a new generation of connected products ranging from smoke alarms to designer lighting. The Mark Cuban-backed and Shark Tank-funded ilumi is offering both standard and high range Bluetooth LE modules that are about the size of a penny and can be inexpensively integrated into nearly any traditional consumer or commercial electronic products for award winning Bluetooth Mesh IoT functionality.

Currently, there are over 25,000 unique MeshTek Bluetooth LE mesh networks throughout the world today that can easily accommodate additional smart devices such as sensors, smoke alarms, displays, projectors, and other household devices that can be transformed into “smart” devices with MeshTekilumi’s MeshTek Bluetooth LE modules offer built in antennas that extends bluetooth connectivity up to 120 meters (393 feet), have FCC/IC, CE, and Bluetooth SIG certification and includes the Bluetooth LE Meshing software stack to provide manufacturers a faster time to market.

The MeshTek software stack is the world's first and the only technology that supports both broadcast and connection based Bluetooth LE networks allowing communication with large data packets of up to 500 bytes over 5 hops within few hundred milliseconds.

Swapnil Bora, CTO & Co-Founder

“The MeshTek software stack is the world’s first and the only technology that supports both broadcast and connection based Bluetooth LE networks allowing communication with large data packets of up to 500 bytes over 5 hops within few hundred milliseconds”, said Swapnil Bora, founder & CTO of ilumi solutions.

For lighting applications, ilumi is also shipping a plug & play lighting controller that enables ilumi’s patented MeshTek platform to be integrated directly into nearly any standard commercial or residential light fixture and LED driver. First introduced at the Lightfair lighting trade show in San Diego this year, the controller now is available for testing and lighting integration. It provides ready cloud integration, iOS, Android app support along with energy monitoring, scheduling and beacons features without the need of any hub or wiring installation.

“The ilumi control system has proven to be easy to integrate and deliver good performance in our demonstration projects. The simple 3 wire interface to the 1-10 volt dimmable drivers makes it readily compatible with many existing LED drivers from most manufacturers.  The small size and full wireless-mesh-topology are also major advantages for deployment.”  says Jonathan Eppstein, President of RedBird LED, Inc.

To speed development for products using MeshTek modules and controllers, ilumi is offering a state-of-the-art modular development kit that provides multiple connections, iOS and Android sample API’s, as well as sample mesh code.

The ilumi MeshTek modules and the lighting controller are available now with production pricing starting at $3.00 and $12.00 each respectively. Both development kits and modules are available for immediate shipment.

About ilumi solutions:

ilumi solutions, inc. transforms ordinary things into extraordinary experiences, beginning with light. The company has successfully launched multiple smart lighting products ( through retail channels such as Best Buy and Home and has procured a $350,000 investment from billionaire Mark Cuban through an appearance on Shark Tank. Based out of Dallas, Texas, the company holds seven issued patents and multiple patents pending covering a wide variety of smart lighting, advanced wireless networks and other unique technologies. The award winning ilumi Smartbulb was named best Bluetooth product of 2016 by the Bluetooth standard industry group, and ilumi was named one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s top 100 most brilliant companies of 2015 and ABI Research’s Hot Tech Innovators 2016.

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Media Contact:

Bruno Solari

Account Executive 

Max Borges Agency for ilumi

305-374-4404 x185

[email protected] ​

Source: ilumi Solutions, Inc.


Tags: bluetooth, connected home, internet of things, mesh network

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ilumi series of intelligent and tunable LED lights controlled wirelessly through Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy

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