IMAGO Breaks Through the Mobile Payment Stalemate

QSecure, a leading developer of dynamic payment card technology for the paayments and banking industries, unveils its new product IMAGO, a powered payments card and mobile app which lets you load all of your cards onto one card.

IMAGO makes paying with your phone at every merchant a reality today.

Los Altos, CA QSecure, Inc., the leader in powered payment cards, announces IMAGO (pronounced ee-ma-go), a powered payment card and mobile app for iPhone, Android, and Windows phones.

With IMAGOS patent pending technology, users program their IMAGO card with their smartphone screen and can use IMAGO at existing credit card terminals. IMAGO accepts all major credit cards, gift cards, and loyalty cards and helps users maximize gift card redemption while radically slimming down their wallet or pocketbook. To see an IMAGO video, visit

Using your phone to make payments and manage your cards is widely believed to be the Next Big Thing, but progress is stalled because merchants don't have the type of credit card terminals that the phone companies need them to have, a technology called NFC. IMAGO solves the problem because it can communicate directly with regular credit card terminals and with smart phones, forming a bridge between the two.

Reserve Your Imago Card Now.

We will not ask for any payment information until we are ready to ship in early 2013.

"The war of the wallets is on between big players like Visa, MasterCard, Google, Square, and Apple, but merchants and consumers are waiting to see which of these platforms will become predominant," explains QSecure CEO Mike Cummings, "Because our solution uses the phone's display to communicate with the card, it can be used with any smartphone running our IMAGO App. There is no need for consumers to wait for the next generation smartphone or for merchants to change their credit card terminals to take advantage of mobile wallets."

Security is a big concern in the mobile payment industry and IMAGO took special care in this area. Each IMAGO card can only communicate with a paired IMAGO App and the user can lock the Card at any time with a long press of the button. The IMAGO App uses bank-level encryption to store sensitive user data in the phone and never uploads any personal user information to the cloud like the Google and PayPal wallets do.

IMAGO is available for pre-order today at

Founded in 2003, QSecure is a leading developer of dynamic payment card technology for the payments and banking industries. The company is headquartered in Los Altos, CA.

Daniel Chatelain ( [email protected])
Vice President
Operations & Strategic Alliances
QSecure, Inc.


Tags: cards, innovation, Mobile, Payments, security, technology

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Daniel Chatelain
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