Immortalize Your DNA Into Canvas Art
Online, January 27, 2012 ( - The Museum of Metropolitan Art in New York City released a trend back in 2007 that has taken off in the art world: DNA canvas art. Sounds a little Gattaca-Big Brother-1984esque, doesn't it? The canvas artwork trend stands in line with an inherent human inclination to seek immortality in material things, to transfer the ethereality of the self into a perceived indestructibility found in the basic elements. And what better way to create a canvas art self-portrait than to extract not only the metaphysical existence of the self, but the material building blocks of it as well.
Now how does this matter travel from person to art studio you may ask? The procedure is surprisingly (well not so surprising if you know that your DNA exists in the tiniest of nail clippings) simple and non invasive. For about $600 DNA canvas artwork seeking customers are mailed a special prep kit fully equipped with cotton swabs and petri dishes resting in wait to collect a saliva sample. Not only do customers have a genetic voice in what goes on the canvas art, but they can also choose colors and styles to suit their tastes and to further personalize the artwork.
This DNA canvas artwork hit has paralleled a similar trend in blown-up fingerprints. In fact, it seems that we have somewhat of a canvas art revolution on our hands forging an entirely new genre and medium one could deem genetic abstract art. Like most abstract art in the vein of "pop" or "modern art," these scientific canvas artworks have diffused into mainstream style and culture and become highly fashionable on a scale that's something akin to haute couture for less. This phantasmagoric canvas artwork of swirls and bright colors and ACTG DNA sequencing can be found in the homes of celebrities, art collectors, the world's trendiest restaurants and clubs, as well as on the sets of HGTV and MSNBC; even the New York Times Magazine has drank the kool-aid of this new canvas art craze with glossy prints of the designs on their pages.
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Olivia Preston is passionate about everything on paintings and arts. When she's not having fun she writes on oil paintings. For more information on and oil painting reproductions you can visit
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