In-Gauge of Polk County Offers New NRA Training Opportunity

The National Rifle Association's new DEFENSIVE PISTOL COURSE now available through In-Gauge of Polk County.

In-Gauge of Polk County, a private, non-profit, NRA affiliated club, specializing in firearms training, has recently added the National Rifle Association’s new DEFENSIVE PISTOL COURSE to its curriculum of firearms training.   Being one of a very few firearms training facilities in Florida and nationwide, In-Gauge of Polk County is proud to offer this level of advanced personal protection training.

The NRA Defensive Pistol Course is conducted by a select group of NRA Advanced Pistol Instructors. The training is objective based and focuses on the development of a defensive mindset. The goal of the course is to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly, and with confidence.

The NRA Defensive Pistol Course is conducted by a select group of NRA Advanced Pistol Instructors. The goal of the course is to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly, and with confidence.

The course is a follow-on course to the NRA Basic Pistol or FIRST Steps Pistol Shooting Course. Upon successful completion of this training, students should know and be able to demonstrate a number of defensive pistol techniques and shoot a timed qualification course of fire.

The NRA’s DEFENSIVE PISTOL COURSE is a true concealed carry firearm training course.   It is nothing like any of the other NRA pistol classes.

Other NRA firearm training programs offered by In-Gauge of Polk County include:

·         Basic pistol

·         Basic rifle

·         Basic shotgun

·         Personal Protection In The Home

·         Personal Protection Outside The Home

For class information and availability, contact In-Gauge of Polk County, Winter Haven, Florida via email at:   [email protected]   or visit our website at: www.

Source: In-Gauge of Polk County


Tags: CCW permit, concealed carry class, concealed weapons training, defensive pistol, firearm training, gun classes, gun license training, In-Gauge of Polk County, NRA gun training, Polk County, self-defense, Winter Haven

About In-Gauge of Polk County

In-Gauge of Polk County is a private, non-profit NRA affiliated organization for the preservation and promotion of the shooting sports through firearms training and safety education.

In-Gauge of Polk County
6039 Cypress Gardens Blvd., 125
Winter Haven, FL 33884
United States