In Libya, Syria's Assad Joins the Friends of Haftar

Gotham Government Relations Warns Syria's Assad Joins the Friends of Haftar

A representative of Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA) has criticized the deepening ties between anti-government forces in Libya and the Assad regime in Syria.

“This week, representatives of renegade warlord Khalifa Haftar met in Syria with officials of the Assad regime to announce ‘diplomatic’ ties,” Brad Gerstman said, noting that Haftar’s group “has no international standing or diplomatic status to open embassies or consulates anywhere.” 

“Both Bashar Assad and Khalifa Haftar stand accused of mass atrocities, and the regions under their control are repressive police states. Their premise of cooperation against ‘terrorism’ would be ridiculous if it weren’t so perverse. Assad’s main backers include Iran — designated a state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. Government — and Iran’s proxy Hezbollah, which is defined by many governments as a terrorist movement.”

Gerstman warned, “This new alliance speaks volumes about Haftar’s intentions, as does his heavy reliance on Russian mercenaries. His war against the GNA and his rejection of any path to a political solution poses a clear and present threat to the Libyan people and to U.S. interests.”

“Haftar is a modern-day Muammar Qaddafi, a man who rejects peace and eschews democratic values. He doesn’t want a life for his people. His only desire is to return Libya to the destabilizing terrorist power it once was, to join Iran in threatening the world and the region.”

Gerstman is a founding partner of Gotham Government Relations & Communications, which has previously represented the Trump Organization and currently represents the UN-recognized GNA in the United States.

This material is distributed by Gotham Government Relations & Communications on behalf of the Government of National Accord Libya. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC.

Source: Gotham Government Relations


Tags: Assad, Haftar, Libya, Syria, UN