Incentive Management Group Names Lori Conner as Director of Business Development & Marketing

Lori Conner

Incentive Management Group, an Employee Recognition & OSHA Compliant Safety Solutions provider based in Greer, SC, is proud to announce that Lori Conner will be joining their team in the new role of Director of Business Development & Marketing.  

“We are extremely excited to have Lori as the newest member of our team. IMGroup is a Woman-owned organization and we feel that Lori, with her extensive experience, certifications and connections within the Recognition Industry, will be an invaluable addition and asset to navigate the future direction of the IMGroup," quoted Carrie Greene, President and CEO.

With a primary focus on Business Development and Marketing, Lori brings over 20 years of experience in the recognition and engagement arena. Lori is a Certified Recognition Professional through (RPI) Recognition Professionals International. Lori’s passion for employee recognition and engagement is known by many throughout the industry. She believes that people who feel appreciated experience more self-worth and their ability to contribute to the company increases greatly.

“Her abilities in so many aspects will be an immense asset to our already experienced team,” added Carrie.

About Incentive Management Group:

Incentive Management Group is built on a foundational belief that every person deserves recognition for their accomplishments and achievements.  That recognition encourages and inspires an individual to a greater purpose. Carrie Greene, President of Incentive Management Group.

Media Contact:

Carrie Greene

Phone: 1-877-848-6357

Email: [email protected]

Source: Incentive Management Group


Tags: Employee Recognition, Engagement, OSHA, programs, Recognition, Recognition Professionals International, RPI, Safety

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