Independence Day Brings Cheer And Energy To UMA Dhanbad

Usha Martin Academy, Dhanbad celebrated India's 65th Independence Day with great fervour and excitement.

Usha Martin Academy, Dhanbad celebrated India's 65th Independence Day with great fervour and excitement. 15th August, 2012 descended on the campus with the unfurling of the tricolour by the academic dean, Mrs. Amita Rastogi Chandra. The ambience was greatly enhanced by everyone dressing in the same colors. "Just the sight of so many students and faculty dressed in the same colors, looking up at the Indian flag was so energising!" shared Sonal, a student at UMA Dhanbad.

The flag hoisting was followed by an inter-house skit and song competition. The theme for the competition was 'Flashback' and skits were staged around the lives of freedom fighters. Mahatma Gandhi was resurrected, as was Bhagat Singh during the kakori kand. The beginning of the Sepoy Mutiny also heart-wrenchingly was represented by the students. The entire campus reverberated to the sounds of Vande Matram and Jai Hind! The audience also got caught up in the surge of nationalistic feelings and sang along with the competitors. "It was difficult to hold back emotions in the face of young energy and enthusiasm; we all sang and relived the days of revolt", said Parth Gupta, Final year student.

The winner of both the skit and song competitions was Babbage House. A loud cheer went up at the venue as soon as the winners were declared. The healthy competition motivated the students to do better at the next given opportunity.

Every year, the college celebrates 15th August with zeal and vigour. The students organise almost everything under the supervision of faculty members. Apart from being a national duty, the organisers feel, this celebration helps students bond and collectively rise to the occasion when required. They also see it as an opportunity for student-faculty interaction in an informal ambience. The added flavour of cultural competitions helps create student interest and motivates them to compete in areas other than academics. "We want to win the competition next year and will work hard towards it," shared Sharad Gautam, a competitor who lost this year!


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