India Based Infertility Clinic Announces Presence in US
Online, December 2, 2011 ( - Sai Kiran Hospital, a unit of the Kiran Infertility Center (KIC) based in Hyderabad India is planning an informational meeting that will introduce their US Client Coordinator. The meeting will take place at the Empire Hotel in NY, NY on 12/10/2011. The agenda for this meeting will familiarize Intended Parents from the US on the option of surrogacy in India . This meeting will also see a congregation of more than 20 intended parents who have successfully accomplished their dreams of parenthood. This date marks the 4 year anniversary of KIC's presence in the field of international surrogacy with the 200th baby being born through surrogacy for clients. This meeting will be used as a platform for past, present and future clients to share their experience and learn more about the international surrogacy process with KIC.
KIC has a surrogacy program of international clientele of more than 500 intended parents from 21 different countries across the Globe. KIC has been the most successful Indian Facility providing this service for last 2 Years with the maximum number of births. KIC is committed to provide affordable services to clients with the latest trends in Infertility Treatment with our Team of Experts.
Dr. Kiran D. Sekhar is an eminent gynecologist and obstetrician. Under her leadership and guidance the clinic has helped more than thirty thousand couples achieve pregnancy. Dr. Naresh Sekhar , a male infertility specialist has more than 30 years experience and has furthered medical education in the field of infertility. Dr. Pratima has trained in the US at the Cleveland Clinic and manages day to day activities of obstetric and gynecological counseling and care of patients. Dr. Samit Sekhar is the clinic's Chief Embryologist and Director of the Supra Sperm bank. He is in charge of overall maintenance of the IVF lab, as well as being involved in day to day patient interaction and counseling.
The informational seminar taking place in December of this year is to clear the apprehensions about surrogacy in India and to introduce our newest team member based out of Seattle, WA. "We intend to build trust with our clients, especially those based in the US by having the presence of a US based case manager," said Dr. Samit Sekhar , Chief Embryologist at KIC.
Media Contact
A. Thomas
Kiran Infertility Center
(206) 788-6036
[email protected]
Tags: International Surrogacy, IVF Center, surrogacy, Surrogacy abroad, Surrogacy Agency, Surrogacy clinic in Hyderabad, Surrogacy in India, surrogacy india