Indian Patent Agent Exam Training: Distance Education by Origiin IP Academy
Online, April 15, 2011 (
Indian Patent Agent Exam Training: Distance Education by Origiin IP Academy
Origiin IP Academy, a subsidiary of Origiin IP Solutions LLP, Bangalore after conducting Patent Agent Examination Training successfully for past 2 years, now announces Distance Education Program for Indian Patent Agent Examination - 2012.
The course material comprises of 3 modules:
Module 1: Interpretation of each and every Section/Rule of Indian Patent Act 1970 with illustrations and case laws.
Module 2: Convention and treaties related to Patent Law, PCT procedures, Patent drafting skills, License agreements, Tips for viva
Module 3: Solution to previous year question papers (from year 2004 to 2011)
Assignments will be provided with each module for practice.
Who is a patent agent?
A patent agent is a person who has the specialized qualifications necessary for representing clients in obtaining patents. Every patent agent whose name is entered in the register shall be entitled:
(a) To practice before the Controller during prosecution process such as at the time of opposition to the grant of patent, he can practice before the Controller and
(b) To prepare all documents, transact all business and discharge such other functions [such a filing a patent application, sending request for early publication or examination, reply to examination report, paying renewal fee etc] as may be prescribed in connection with any proceeding before the Controller under this Act.
Examination details
The written examination is split into 3 papers and the particulars of the qualifying examination (Rule 110, Indian Patents Act 1970) are as follows:-
Paper I - Patents Act and Rules, 100 Marks-
Paper II - Drafting and interpretation of patent specifications and other documents, 100 Marks
Viva Voce - 100 Marks
The qualifying marks for each written paper and for the viva voce examination shall be fifty per cent each of total marks and an aggregate of sixty per cent of the total marks.
Cost: 16,000 INR
Class room training: To be conducted in November/ December (weekend classes). Total cost of class-room training shall be 22,000 INR (all inclusive). Students enrolling for Distance Education can attend all the classes with additional payment of 6000 INR.
Eligibility: Any graduate in science such as BSc, BTech, BE, B Pharma who is citizen of India and has completed 21 years of age can write this exam.
Date of the exam: Not yet announced
Examination centres: Delhi, Kolkotta, Mumbai, Chennai
Registration: To enrol for Distance Education Program, write to
Phone: 9845693459, 9880213204
Tags: agent, Exam, online, Patent, training