Indica Labs Extends Capabilities with Automated Quantification of Dual ISH Assays

Indica Labs announces new capabilities for measuring dual ISH assays for the purpose of measuring gene amplification in tumors and other tissues.

Indica Labs, inc. announces new capabilities for measuring dual In situ Hybridization (ISH) assays for the purpose of measuring gene amplification in tumors and other tissues. The new, fully automated and quantitative solution allows researchers and pathologists to measure dual ISH assays, such as those provided by leading reagent manufacturers, with the single click of a button rather than having to manually count spots which is an arduous process. The software rapidly counts dual probe signals and reports ratios between probes on a per cell basis. This automated approach is not only faster and less error prone than manual interpretation of the assays, it also generates additional data such as signal ratios and signal counts at the cellular level in addition to the specimen or tumor level data. This additional level of detail is useful in measuring the cellular heterogeneity within tumors.

Indica Labs, CEO Steven Hashagen stated:

"We are excited about expanding our ISH quantification capabilities. The use of brightfield ISH assays is increasingly becoming more main-stream and image analysis software dramatically simplifies the work involved for scoring these assays. Moreover, the use of dual ISH kits makes image analysis quantification even more of a necessity than before."

This latest release of Indica's ISH software is highly configurable such that it can be used to measure a wide range of reagent kits, tissue types, and image file formats. Prior to this announcement, Indica Labs' product offering included several other tools for measuring just single probe CISH, SISH, and RNA ISH assays. To learn more about any of the ISH quantification products, visit Additionally, Indica Labs and Aperio presented all of these capabilities in a complementary webinar that aired on July 21st. To view a recording of the webinar, visit


Tags: aperio, cancer, CISH, Dako, Definiens, Digital Pathology, Dual CISH, DuoCISH, Her2, Image Analysis, inform, ISH, quantification, Roche, SISH, Ventana

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Steven Hashagen
Press Contact, Indica Labs
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274 Calle Conejo
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