InetSoft on Data Visualization in a Mashed-Up World

InetSoft joins panel of industry experts to discuss data mashup and visualization technology

Piscataway, NJ - InetSoft Technology (, an innovator in dashboard, reporting and analysis solutions announced its participation in Information Management's DM Radio webcast, "The Last Mile: Data Visualization in a Mashed-Up." Registered users can listen to an archived recording at the following link:

Host Eric Kavanagh and a panel of industry experts considered the current state of enterprise data mashup technology and its day-to-day impact on data management and visual analysis across several industries with each expert discussing their vision of data mashups in modern enterprises.

"Displaying various data sources in a user friendly way that allows the end-user to drag, drop, point, click, and manipulate data sources on the fly and get the exact results they want, is the ideal," said Byron Igoe, Product Manager at InetSoft and panel participant.

Mr. Igoe went on to discuss how IT must be involved in certain procedural aspects such as data governance, but should ultimately focus on enabling self-service. This empowers business users to make informed decisions by drawing information from multiple and often diverse data sources. Consequently, a visualization application should possess enterprise-class capabilities, such as: broad data access, data-level security, and a collaboration framework. These capabilities, present in InetSoft, allow organizations to overcome the inertia of the traditional IT paradigm.

"For complex enterprise-scale information management needs, many companies now rely heavily on data mashup technology to make informed decisions," notes Mark Flaherty, Vice President of Marketing. "In today's business environment, it becomes critical to have an interactive self-service solution that allows users to join new information with existing data in real-time. Only then, does the true value of data mashup become evident."

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Tags: enterprise data mashup, real time, Visual Analysis

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Mark Flaherty
Press Contact, InetSoft Technology
InetSoft Technology
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