Influencer Agency Shows That Influencers' Screen Time is Shockingly High

Influencers spend a shocking 9.2 hours a day looking at a mobile device

At this point, time spent on mobile devices is growing rapidly. For this reason, the influencer marketing agency Influencer Agency investigated the time spent on mobile devices among the most popular influencers.

Influencer screen time
Following a study with 1.053 prominent/important influencers (50K+ followers), the average time an influencer spends on a mobile device is 9:02 hours (542 minutes) a day. In comparison, the average U.S. consumer spends 3:43 hours (or 223 minutes) on a mobile device a day. To establish this extraordinary amount of screen time, the average influencer picks up their phone 342 times a day, compared to 52 times for non-influencers.

Male vs. female influencers
​Among all the influencers, another noteworthy difference is between male and female influencers. Male influencers daily spend an average of 7:19 hours (439 minutes) on a mobile device, while female influencers reach an average of 10:06 (606 minutes).​

Weekly meditation and yoga classes
Dave Leusink, CEO of Influencer Agency says: “It’s quite shocking to see how many hours our influencers spend on mobile devices. Therefore, we encourage influencers to put their mobile devices away on the weekends, and we also offer weekly meditation and yoga classes for our influencers.”​

1.053 influencers with a minimum reach of 50K per influencer participated in this survey. All influencers who joined the survey are under contract to Influencer Agency. At the time of the survey, all influencers were 18+.

Media Contact: 
Isabella Smith 
Phone: (213) 275-2108
Email: [email protected]

Source: Influencer Agency


Tags: influencer, influencer agency, influencer marketing agency, instagram, snapchat, social media, youtube

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Influencer Agency™ connects brands with any influencer, from micro- to mega influencer.

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