InformSystem: MES-system "MES-T2 2010" will make it possible to save 10% of fuel at the thermal power stations (Russia)

Firm InformSystem let out the innovation self-adjusted MES-system for THE POWER STATIONS: "MES-T2 2010" v.6.308 for the half-hour calculations of technical and economic indices in the real time with the subsequent integral calculus of excessive fuel

Firm InformSystem let out the innovation self-adjusted MES-system for THE POWER STATIONS: "MES-T2 2010" v.6.308 for the half-hour calculations of technical and economic indices in the real time with the subsequent integral calculus of excessive fuel consumption, which will make it possible to save 10% of fuel at the thermal power stations.

With the work of thermal power station each of half-hour on the electric energy generation and heat is expended the concrete quantity of fuel. And to this process corresponds also the concrete quantity of normative (calculated) fuel consumption. I.e. each of half-hour it is possible to know the value of excessive fuel consumption. Excessive fuel consumption corresponds to the difference between the actual and normative expenditures of fuel for those released electric power and by heat. The calculation of excessive fuel consumption in the half-hour interval is considerably more precise than monthly calculation because of the nonlinearity of normative graphs.

The calculation of indices according to the excessive fuel consumption must be produced only in each half-hour interval. All daily and monthly technical-econmic factors must be obtained from the half-hour values by the method of accumulation, but not by calculation according to the formulas.

Why MES-system "MES-T2 2010" will make it possible to reduce excessive fuel consumption? Yes because in power stations appears the motive motivation, which is not at present, t to the existing monthly calculations according to the excessive fuel consumption elementarily drive on under the small savings at all power stations. But now represent that operational personnel of TETs (heat and power plant) and GRES (State Regional Electric Power Plant) will constantly see before himself the current half-hour information about the excessive fuel consumption, which will force them to search for better solution. And it will be compulsorily found with the aid of different analytical and optimization means of MES-system "MES-T2 2010", and will be, therefore, considerably lowered excessive fuel consumption and large economic effect will be achieved.

Situation at the power station constantly changes: day and the night, when the need for the electric power also of heat changes; the temperature of air and so forth in this case it is necessary operationally and competently to operate with the transient regimes, optimally by expending fuel- and without allowing its overexpenditure. But for this it is necessary each of half-hour to know the value of actual excessive fuel consumption, which there is at present not at one thermal power station. For this reason at the power stations, in [TGK] and [OGK] the actual reserve of effectiveness is not known, but this affects tariff policy at the federal level.

If is solved a question concerning the replacement of incandescent lamps to the energy-saving, then a question of fuel economy generally must stand by all thermal power stations in the first place. Indeed these are a question and the reduction of ejections, and reduction in the tariffs. But thus far Minenergo (Ministry of Energy) RF persistently keeps silent.

DEMONSTRATION version MES-System "MES-T2 2010" with the calculations of actual and normative TEP, with the half-hour calculations of excessive fuel consumption and with the operational analysis is placed on the site:


Tags: InformSystem, power, station

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