InfraSage Releases New IT Budgeting and Forecasting Software Product- InfraSage ITM Budget Suite

InfraSage ITM Suite is a SaaS-based solution designed to facilitate the process of IT budgeting and forecasting. Through the use of a highly intuitive access platform the ITM suite will streamline all aspects of your IT financial management process.

Atlanta, Georgia, USA-We are excited to announce news of our first public step toward the release of InfraSage ITM Budget Suite - which becomes available today in public beta. Effective immediately, we are inviting our customers, partners and members of the public to test and provide feedback for what we expect will be a very significant entry into the Information Technology Management (ITM) field, and the first fully hosted SaaS-based, on demand solution.

The purpose of the InfraSage ITM suite is simple - to promote collaboration, efficient workflow, transparency and data security to the IT financial management process. Through the use of a highly intuitive, anytime, anywhere access platform the ITM suite will streamline all aspects of your IT financial management process.

All data is encrypted and securely stored on our data center and can be easily accessed through a highly individualized portal where all key stakeholders have instant and password approved access to the relevant information. With this centralized solution, you can take back control of the IT budgeting process while dramatically improving efficiency through workflow and collaboration. For example, by using the collaborative functions of the ITM Suite you simply make data available instantly to all the relevant parties using security permissions, and receive feedback and review in the same way. This closed loop workflow negates the hard to manage process of mailing budget files to the individual recipients and waiting to receive the reviewed files back as email attachments as, and when, they are completed.

The major themes of the release include pervasive virtualization, improved scalability and availability, increased power efficiency, and delivery of some of the latest software technologies. In line with today's Beta availability, we'll briefly highlight a few of the new and noteworthy improvements:

• ITBudgeter

Forget about the cumbersome, old fashioned spread sheets and create your IT budget in the dedicated and specially designed workspace provided by the InfraSage Budget Suite. IT budgets can be designed from scratch using pre-built categories, or use imported data from spreadsheets generated by existing accounting systems. Once the budget is created the intuitive workflow interface promotes an efficient review and approval process. From within the secure portal create, submit, review, approve and share the budget with all the appropriate, and password-approved, stakeholders.

• ITAnalyser

The InfraSage Budget Analyzer instantly produces clear, concise reports from your approved IT Budgets in a format that can be shared with all stakeholders immediately. Save hours creating charts and graphs in traditional software packages to share with colleagues - InfraSage Budget Analyzer does it for you automatically.

• ITForecaster

Producing a forecast is never without uncertainty - but it will never be easier than with InfraSage IT Forecaster which automatically and instantly prepares a fully customizable forecast based on your data. By using 8 of the most popular statistical extrapolation methods InfraSage IT Forecaster provides a comprehensive range of possible forecasts. All of these outcomes are instantly available to you in both numeric grid and chart formats. From there you can choose the statistical method of your preference, decide on a range of outcomes, or allow IT Forecaster to recommend the statistical method that best suits the data provided.

• ITExpenser

Tracking costs - is key to a meaningful budget reconciliation. The InfraSage ITM budget suite now allows you to compare budgeted and actual data the newly added IT Expenser. So IT executive can quickly identify the particular line items that are distorting the IT budgetary projections.

• ITService Tracker

An automated process is always more efficient and InfraSage Service Tracker is designed to make your service contract management efficient. InfraSage will simply send you an email whenever a contract is up for renewal. No need to keep checking on contract status just wait for the automated alert. Of course, to actively manage your service contracts, simply go to the customized portal where all the data is indexed and stored for your easy access. Additionally, a customizable warning system will generate alerts to your personal InfraSage homepage dashboard. So, as soon as you login to the InfraSage ITM Suite you'll know that your entire IT infrastructure is covered.

• IT Contacts Manager

InfraSage Contacts Manager provides one access point for all of your department's contacts. Your important contact information will no longer be tied to your desktop, but available online wherever you are. You can also share the contacts with other IT staff so your entire contacts list will be available on-demand, 24 hrs a day, anywhere in the world.

• IT Storage Vault
InfraSage Storage Vault allows you to keep all of your IT documentation (actually any documentation) in one centralized, secure location where it can be shared with the whole department, or protected with restricted access. All files will reside on your fully secured, SAS70 compliant server - hosted by one of the biggest, most recognized and most respected names in storage - EMC.

All output from InfraSage ITM products is designed to be shared with others in a number of simple and convenient ways; whether through direct password-protected access to the portal, in PDF or png format, or even online as a temporary HTML file available anywhere to invited viewers.
If you are interested in trying the Beta, we encourage you to visit our site, complete a very quick registration process, and share your feedback with us. Please visit to access the Beta.


Tags: information technology managemen, it budgeting, it forecasting, saas provider, technology business management

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Peter Stuart
Press Contact, InfraSage
Atlanta, GA 30305