Innovation Factory Launches Indiegogo Campaign To Raise Funds for AdFlik - A New Device Let's Consumers Automatically Skip TV Commercials

Imagine your TV...commercial free. Innovation Factory has launched it's Indiegogo funding campaign to help bring the world's only device that let's consumers skip commercials to life. Why click when you can AdFlik?

Innovation Factory is pleased to announce the launch of its Indiegogo campaign to raise capital for the development of its brand new AdFlik device which lets TV viewers "flik" away from commercials and automatically "channel surf" to another channel of their choice - and then back again.

Dr. Jonathan Kinlay leads the AdFlik Development Team at the Innovation Factory based in Chicago, Illinois, which is developing the new device. "The AdFlick will improve the way people enjoy TV "says Kinlay, "The AdFlik allows viewers to automatically "flik" between channels or programs of their choice, maximizing commercial-free viewing."

Through Indiegogo - a website that helps raise capital for startup projects including everything from technology to films - the Innovation Factory hopes to raise enough investment capital to complete the development of the device and launch the product through retail.

The AdFlik uses complex mathematical algorithms to distinguish between "normal" programming and commercial programming. The device will have the ability to learn as well - gaining efficiency and more effectiveness over time. "We plan to develop mobile apps to control the device and potentially even the ability to use voice commands or gesture controls," says Kinlay.

To learn more about the patent pending AdFlik device or to make a donation visit the Indiegogo website - keyword AdFlik or go to the AdFlik web site (, Facebook page, or follow AdFlik on Twitter.

The Innovation Factory is a new concept in industrial design, bringing the latest technologies for design, modeling, prototyping, and manufacturing to Main Street. Beginning in Chicago in August, the Innovation Factory will open a series of design centers in major cities across the country at which designers, engineers, architects and entrepreneurs can meet, share design ideas and collaborate on projects, using the latest 3D design and printing technologies.


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Tags: adflik, commercials, electronics, gadgets, IndieGoGo, innovation factory, new products, technology

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1023 W. Fulton Market
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