Inside Sports News You Can Almost Trust Premieres Pilot Episode at Red Carpet Event

Producer Mark McClure premiered his new sports comedy talk show, Inside Sports:News You Can Almost Trust September 23rd to a packed house at Fox Sports Grill in Plano, Texas. Reviews were so favorable networks have asked for a premiere in LA on Dec.8

Inside Sports: News You Can Almost Trust premiered its pilot episode this past Thursday, September 2rd at its Red Carpet Premiere Party in Plano, Texas at the Fox Sports Grill. More than 300 attended the gala affair and reviews and feedback were mostly favorable (so favorable in fact that televion executives at a few networks have asked for a premiere of the show first week of December in Los Angeles).

"Insanely funny and edgy". Jean-Jacques Taylor Dallas Morning News Sports Columnist.

"Over the top funny! Simply hysterical!" Jay Bedseill, Dallas Sports Page Weekly.

"Ten times better than expected. You have a hit show on your hands." Holly actor Gary Stretch (Alexander, World Trade Center, Dead Man Shoes, Yellow)

After the show aired McClure walked the room and posed for pictures and signed programs for various attendees. We caught up with him in between his conversations with guests and he had this to say;

"I think the overall quality was fantastic, but on the screen there seem to be a red tint. I was told that since we shot in HD and the DVD system Fox had for the show was only for SD, it created the redness. I think some of the segments of the show were too long and others not long enough. We used writers from all over and, you know, it's a trial and error thing. But the feedback from the audience was great, many said they almost wet themselves in certain segments and that we really pushed the envelope on a lot of issues and may have offended some people. But you know what, this show is not for everyone. Some will love it, some will hate it and that's OK, we know our demographic and that is what we are going to target," McClure stated.

Apparently word of the show and its concept reached various industry players in Los Angeles and the feedback so positive that McClure has been asked to launch a Premiere of the pilot on December 8th in Los Angeles.

"Yes, we got asked to premiere the show in LA. A few folks heard about the edginess and pushing the envelope type of humor and want to premiere it and then see what can be done to it to take it the next level, creative wise and cosmetically. So we shall see, but I believe we are looking at December 8th," McClure ended.

The show is set to test air end of October.


Tags: Inside Sports News You Can Almos, mark mcclure, paula wallem

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