Inspiration From a Little Caterpillar: Alex Mitchell Encourages Young Readers to Feel Worthy in Her New Book "Are You Ready"

Madrid, Spain, July 23, 2015 ( - An oddly charming, somewhat sad yet hopeful, little caterpillar is Alex Mitchell’s model to feeling worthy in “Are You Ready Little Caterpillar.” He’s an inspiration not because he feels special, but precisely because he doesn’t. In this her third book in a series of poem picture books, Alex Mitchell reaches out to that part in everyone that is striving to improve and struggling to feel worthy. As the words “are you ready” arise repeatedly in the book’s poem, the author prompts her readers to recognize that just like a tiny little caterpillar is born with the promise of the butterfly, they too are all on an incredible journey of personal transformation.
The author encourages her readers to be true to who they were born to be, and in her closing commentary she speaks to the little caterpillar in everyone when she writes, “Little caterpillar, you do not and cannot know what your future holds. You are unaware of nature’s marvelous plan for you, of the incredible personal transformation that awaits you. No matter how broken or incomplete your life may feel at times, you are still growing. Your destiny is to grow into something beautiful and you have been ready for this since the day you were born. You don’t know how or why this will happen, but you have to believe it will. It is your destiny. Believe in yourself. You are good enough right now as you are. You are who you were born to be. Live your life.”
"What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly."
Lao Tzu
All the pages of “Are You Ready Little Caterpillar” are reproduced from hand-painted originals by Alex Mitchell. This poem picture book’s creative spirit, style, and timeless message are alluring to all ages.
Watch the “Are You Ready” book trailer on YouTube ( The book is available from ($24.91). Book preview and purchase information available at Alex Mitchell’s Blurb Bookstore ( More book information also available at Alex Mitchell’s website (
Tags: Alex Mitchell, art, butterfly, caterpillar, children, English, feeling worthy, illustration, inspirational, picture book, poem, transformation