Institutional Wealth Alliance and Banker's Academy Introduce Community Bank Advisor Certification
Online, January 26, 2010 (
The CBA designation is available to advisors that have been securities or insurance licensed for at least two years. Delivered in selfâ€paced, eLearning format, the curriculum of courses allows advisors to achieve the certification while they continue to build their private practice. Certificates are issued as each course is passed and the full CBA certification is conferred upon successful completion of all courses.
Banks have greatly expanded the scope and complexity of their activities and face an everâ€changing and complex regulatory environment. Highly trained insurance and financial specialists are delivering a broadened spectrum of nonâ€depository feeâ€based products to the American consumer. Recent and emerging developments will forever change the dynamics of these industries. Enforcement has increased significantly as banks seek new ways to increase revenue through fee based income. This trend is expected to continue creating an ongoing demand to ensure the compliant oversight and regulation of Advisors in banks.
The CBA sevenâ€course curriculum provides an overview of bank operations, while compliance components educate the Advisor with regard to privacy and information sharing requirements. Additional courses address elder financial abuse, service excellence and business development. This designation ensures proper delivery of retail insurance and securities products within and on the floor of a financial institution under the GLBA, along with the fluid State and Federal guidelines, regulations, and disclosure requirements. An annual continuing education component ensures that CBA designees remain current and upâ€toâ€date on all regulatory changes.
"The trend toward integrated sales will continue to accelerate," stated IWA President/CEO Timothy Sutter. He continued, "Regardless of an advisor's mindset, it is clearly counterâ€productive to ignore, standâ€still, or remain uneducated with regard to the rapidly changing environment surrounding the delivery of financial services."
Dr. Linda Eagle, President of Edcomm Banker's Academy said, "With more than 23 years of experience in the financial services industry, we have recognized the importance of having knowledgeable, well trained Advisors, especially in today's strict regulatory environment. We are confident that this designation will not only greatly benefit IWA, but also make a profound impact on the industry."
The Edcomm Group Banker's Academy a 23â€yearâ€old education and communication consulting firm specializing in the development of creative business solutions that improve productivity, customer service and market share providing bottomâ€line results. The Edcomm Group Banker's Academy has had the privilege of assisting many distinguished clients with business solutions in the form of eLearning programs, online bank training and classroom instruction, multimedia production and online and print based documentation. Edcomm Banker's Academy offers many courses such as Teller Training, Compliance Training and Systems Training specifically designed for Banks, Credit Unions and Money Services Businesses (MSBs). The Edcomm Group Banker's Academy ( is headquartered in New York City with locations and representation throughout the world.
Institutional Wealth Alliance is a sophisticated team of wealth management specialists, devoted to the development and implementation of strategic solutions for effective growth in the banking environment. IWA has a seamless nonâ€deposit platform supported by the largest most trusted industry leaders. The alliance brings to fruition a oneâ€ofâ€aâ€kind resource for State and Community Banks to level the playing field with national counterparts, enabling a truly competitive environment. IWA ( is a proud member of the American Bankers Association, Independent Community Bankers of America, Nevada Bankers Association, and New Mexico Bankers Association. The IWA President/CEO is a member of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors.
For more information about the CBA designation or to enroll in this program, please contact Natalie Battinieri, Edcomm Banker's Academy, at 888â€433â€2666 or email [email protected].
Institutional Wealth Alliance
Melissa J. Lawhorn
Tel: 575â€647â€5492
Email: [email protected]
Tags: Banker's Academy, CBA, Community Bank Advisor, Designation, Dr. Linda Eagle, IWA, Melissa J. Lawhorn, Timothy Sutter