Launches Term Life Insurance Quote Pages On Website

The Independent Agency accesses 100+ companies in researching the lowest cost life insurance with the strongest companies., located in California but also providing insurance to the states of Oregon, Washington and Arizona, announced the launch of pages on the website to provide the latest and lowest cost term life insurance rates.

Says owner Adrian Fristensky, "Having been an Independent Agent since 1991, I have access to 100+ companies in my research to find my clients the lowest rate but I also can filter for the strongest companies. I have added rates for $100,000 and $250,000 term policies for 10, 15, 20 and 30 year periods. My research normally brings back the same 5-7 top companies, depending on my client's age, how much coverage they are looking for and the length of term. Companies can choose to be competitive at various amounts and lengths of term and not others and this can change during the course of a year. This is why it is so important to use an Independent Agent like myself with a database that is constantly updated. What may be the best rate and company today, may not be the best policy in 6 months."

Adds Fristensky, "It is very important to check how long the rates are GUARANTEED for. I have seen too many policies when meeting with individuals where they thought they had a 20 year guaranteed term yet it was only guaranteed for 10 years but PROJECTED to remain level for 20 years. This is unacceptable to me. The policies I provide are all GUARANTEED for the term periods specified."


Tags: life insurance, Term, Term Life Insurance


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