IntangibleSpring Launches Contracts Search Engine and Enhances Its Intellectual Property (IP) Benchmark Database

NEW YORK, N.Y., July 7, 2017 ( - IntangibleSpring, an information services firm has reached two milestones.
First, IntangibleSpring has enhanced its intellectual property (IP) Benchmark database, a solution to accurately benchmark royalty rates. Benchmark now provides information concerning pharmaceuticals' stage of development, and financial statements of the licensor and/or licensee. This information substantially helps determining comparability between licensed intangible assets.
IntangibleSpring's Benchmark database of royalty rates is supported by thousands of license agreements filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). Using a rigorous combination of text mining tools and manual review, IntangibleSpring's analysts extract and normalize the pricing structure, licensing terms, and summarize the underlying intellectual property in order to facilitate reliable comparisons of intangibles, license terms and royalty rates. Benchmark is the premier database of license agreements with royalty rates, and it is used worldwide by IP valuation, transfer pricing, and purchase price allocation (PPA) consultants.
Second, IntangibleSpring launched Contracts, a text mining search engine of company agreements filed to the SEC. 'Contracts' was built with natural language processing (NLP) technologies and interior search mechanisms that provide clause-level search power.
The Contracts text mining search engine can help consultants and law professionals search for specific types of agreements with particular types of fees, as well as conduct keyword searches within a determined set of clauses. Searching with IntangibleSpring's Contracts engine allows for easier legal research and due diligence.
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About IntangibleSpring
IntangibleSpring offers SaaS solutions to a wide range of industries including legal, tax, accounting firms as well as consulting and technology transfer industries. IntangibleSpring makes research and analysis easier, faster and more accurate. With sophisticated technology, IntangibleSpring allows you to address complex and unique information and data requirements like no other information services provider. Using a portfolio of text mining, manual processing and analytical tools combined with high-quality data, IntangibleSpring is the first step to your information service requirements. IntangibleSpring’s caters to transfer pricing, intellectual property valuation, purchase price allocation (PPA) practices, and legal research professionals.
Raul Pacheco | General Manager | +1 (888) 743-5498
Source: IntangibleSpring
Tags: Intellectual Property, Purchase Price Allocation, Transfer Pricing, Valuation of IP