Interactive Workshop Teaches Writers How To Turn Ideas Into Published Book

Writing Coach and Author Lesley Vance will lead an intensive writers' workshop, titled "Write from the Heart," at Bellefleur Restaurant in Carlsbad on Friday, July 1, 2011 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

Writing Coach and Author Lesley Vance will lead an intensive writers' workshop, titled "Write from the Heart," at Bellefleur Restaurant in Carlsbad on Friday, July 1, 2011 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Vance has seven years of experience in the book publishing industry, and she knows the steps required to obtain publication.

The Write from the Heart Workshop will teach participants how to turn their ideas into a published book. New and experienced writers will benefit from the workshop as Vance teaches important steps for crafting key messages, writing an outline, determining target audiences and developing a unique writing style.

"One of the writing exercises, during the workshop, guides participants to write the first paragraph of their book," Vance explains. "The first paragraph should tell readers what the book is about, give them a reason to turn the page and establish trust with the reader. If you can't achieve that in the first 150-200 words, then you've lost your reader," she adds.

Seven Benefits of attending the Write from the Heart Workshop:
1. Learn how to expand your book idea and create your book's hook.
2. Craft your book's one-sentence description.
3. Define your book's purpose and key messages.
4. Learn how to write for your target audience.
5. Understand your book's competition.
6. Write your table of contents and book's outline.
7. Develop your first paragraph to captivate readers.

EVENT: Write from the Heart Workshop
LOCATON: Bellefleur Winery & Restaurant, at Carlsbad Premium Outlets
5610 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad CA 92008
DATE: Friday, July 1, 2011
TIME: 11:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
COST: $49.00 per person, includes lunch options
CONTACT: Email Gini Craig at [email protected]

About Lesley Vance:
Lesley Vance is a Writing Coach and Book Publishing Consultant. She is the author of Infertility Journeys: Finding Your Happy Ending and Pray Naked: Getting Real with God. Lesley works with emerging authors who are committed to accomplishing their writing goals. She has a B.A. in Communications and an M.A. in Ecumenical Theology. She writes for online and print media such as and San Diego Family Magazine, and blogs about infertility on Contact her at mailto:[email protected] or

For more information, please contact Gini Craig at [email protected].



Tags: book publishing, writing coach, writing workshop

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