International Debt Recovery Solutions - SMCM - Switzerland

S.M.C.M. International GmbH, based in Switzerland, offers you diverse and comprehensive solutions in the area of Sales & Marketing as well as national and international Accounts Receivable Management.

S.M.C.M. International GmbH, based in Switzerland, offers you diverse and comprehensive solutions in the area of Sales & Marketing as well as national and international Accounts Receivable Management.

Our services:

* Accounts Receivable Management / Debt Collection
* Debt Enforcement (national & international)
* Court Representation
* Address Tracing
* Credit Reporting
* Sales & Marketing

Our services are provided by experts with many years of experience. S.M.C.M. promises a personal and responsible service. We guarantee competence, persistence and openness. Trust in our knowledge and experience.

S.M.C.M. works worldwide closely with:

State Authorities, Import and Export Companies, Law Firms, Hospitals, Schools, Health Insurance Companies, Chambers of Commerce, Credit Agencies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Embassies, Travel Agencies as well as Investigation Agencies.

Your Advantages

Your consumers bad payment habits reduces your cash flow and costs you a lot of time, aggravation and resources. Leave the resulting protracted work and inconveniences to us, so that you may use your capacities to focus on your core business.

Our services in the area of debt collection are on a no collection, no fee basis. We provide our services in the field of Accounts Receivable Management and Debt Collection with a globally connected, multilingual team and local contacts in 110 countries. These are governed by the local laws and comply with legal requirements so that you will be able to continue the business relationship with your customer / consumer on a solid basis.

We accept accounts of any size, including cases which are already several months or years old.


S.M.C.M. will do its utmost to realise your interests in the area of Accounts Receivable Management and Debt Collection when your customers payments stay out. Additionally, you profit from the global network of our local partners in the pre-judicial proceedings. Take advantage of this strength as well as our international presence for the optimal design of debt collection in your specific field of business.

As a first step we do everything possible to collect your claims through our experienced collection specialists without involving governmental agencies and courts. We assume all necessary measures for you . These include:

- Mailing Demand Letters
- Carrying out Debt Collection by Telephone
- Making Arrangement of Payment by Instalments
- Preparation of Repayment Plans
- Monitoring of Deadlines and Correspondence

All efforts in the above fields, such as entry-, processing- and writing fees as well as postage and telephone costs, are free of charge for you. We work exclusively at our own risk, without case- or expense rates. No costs whatsoever result for you should we be unsuccessful. You can only win as a customer of S.M.C.M. International GmbH.

***Special Services***

-National & International Debt Enforcement-

Should all our pre-judicial proceedings to move the debtor to make payment remain without success, you will be notified in writing before the deadline of the payment period is reached. At S.M.C.M International GmbH there is no automatic introduction of a judicial debt collection. We will initiate this procedure against charge only after you instruct us to continue.

Billing is based on the scale of charges and fees of each country. We will inform you transparently and in advance about additional expenses. Your chances of success will be assessed objectively by us.

We will handle all the necessary measures for you, from the initiation of the procedures to the conclusion. These include:

- Establishing contact with the appropriate authorities in your country or abroad
- Filling out forms and applications
- Initiation of the claim collection (initiation of proceedings, attachment of claim,
liquidation, allocation, certificate of forfeiture)
- Final report

-Court Representation-

In case of an unsuccessful debt enforcement can, in a next step, a court case be opened for your demand. S.M.C.M. will inform you about any risks and prospects for success. The following services will be assumed for you:

- Arrangement for legal counsel locally
- Forwarding of files and information
- Representation of the client in court
- Final report

The representation in court and the introduction of all necessary procedures follow exclusively on your written order and against pre-payment of charges and attorney's fees. With a positive outcome you as plaintiff will incur no court or attorney's fees.

-Credit Reporting-

Business dealings without previous credit checks are becoming riskier in these volatile times. Only if you can evaluate your customers or business partners credit rating, are you able to reach the right decisions and protect yourself thus from loss. S.M.C.M. International GmbH will undertake credit checks for you, to minimize payment defaults in advance.

Your advantages:

- Detailed credit checks and business information based on many factors
- Pointed and immediate distribution decisions
- Precise estimation of your potential business partner

This service helps you with risk assessments and is subject to charges.

-Address Tracing-

We investigate for you! Swift, flexible, correct and economical. For this we fall back on a whole system of tracing sources and benefit from our contacts to authorities and investigating agencies. For a flat rate, depending on the country, we will identify the contact information of:

- Private Citizens
- Debtors
- Companies
- Relatives


- Identity check by change of name
- Address tracking

Additional costs will only be charged if successful or after previous notification. Depending on the country the time requirement as well as fees can vary.


Tags: Credit Reporting, debt collection, Debt Enforcement


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G. Amendra
Press Contact, S.M.C.M. INTERNATIONAL GmbH
Hinterdorfstr. 8c
Unterlunkhofen, Switzerland