International Evidence Summary of ASIST
Online, April 22, 2010 ( - The report confirms that ASIST trainees' acquire increased helping skills with those at risk of suicide after attending the program. Trainee satisfaction is high, and both attitudes to helping and relevant knowledge are increased. This report will encourage future researchers to focus on how the skills learned at ASIST are actually used in real-life situations.
Phil L. Rodgers, Ph.D. authored the report and it was finished in March 2010. He is an evaluation scientist at American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and an evaluation support staffer at the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC).
The complete ASIST Report, including Data Extraction Tables, will be available this week at the 43rd Annual American Association of Suicidology (AAS) Conference in Orlando, FL. The report is also available online and can be downloaded at website.
LivingWorks Education Inc. is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has a U.S. Operations office in Fayetteville, NC, United States. The company has been developing and training suicide intervention programs for 27 years. ASIST is one of a number of LivingWorks Education, Inc. suicide prevention programs that are used in countries around the world. ASIST stands for the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training program and is a fourteen-hour, highly interactive workshop that teaches participants to connect, understand and assist persons who may be at risk of suicide.
Tags: ASIST, awareness skills training, intervention, suicide prevention