International pet shipment - the numbers are soaring

Animal Airways publishes results from its recent research in international pet shipping, based on the first two quarters of 2010 Among the fascinating results; more than 4 million pets are transported by air annually, only 300,000 pets are shipped

Faculty members, foreign diplomats, businessmen, students, reporters & NGO workers have one thing in common when flying abroad; they will not leave without their family members and that includes their pets.

More than 4 million pets are transported by air annually as only 300,000 are shipped as cargo and the rest fly with their families on-board. An increase of 8%-10% is estimated within the next five years and that is due to an anticipated increase in both global tourism and relocation trends. According to Animal Airways' head veterinarian Dr. Eytan Kreiner: "by 2015 almost 4.5 million pets will fly annually when more than 500,000 will be shipped as cargo and that is due to straight rules and regulations required by certain countries and airlines insisting that pets imported and exported as cargo only".

The leading trend for pet shipment is global relocation (40%) and global tourism (45%), followed by military & security operations (8%) student exchanges (5%) and others (2%).

Within the flying scale dogs lead with 55% while cats follow with 40% and the rest are birds and ferrets with 5%.

North America leads in pets imports and exports (by 35%), followed by western Europe (28%), Latin America (10%) eastern Europe (10%), Asia (8%), Australia & New Zealand (4%), Middle East (3%), Africa (2%).

Preparations for international pet transportation can last from 4 weeks and up to 6 months. The process involves bureaucratic regulations and approvals, veterinarian treatment and guidance, airline approved kenneling, airway bill and more. The time parameter is based on: rules and regulations in departure point and destination point, airline rules and standards, pets' age, health conditions and more. Preparations for shipping a cat from USA to Canada can take up to a month while Preparations for shipping a dog from Canada to the UK can take up to 6 months.

Shipping pets internationally $680. The price begins with $300 and can easily reach $1000 and more. According to Dr. Kreiner: "money is not the main issue when it comes to shipping pets. People from all over the world treat pets as part of the family and will do what ever it takes to take pets along where ever they go".

Ayala bar,
PR Manager & Business Development - Animal Airways
UK 44-203-051-4087 USA 1-646-452-9548 Canada 1-647-478-5605
[email protected]


Tags: Flying, pets, travel

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Ayala Bar
Press Contact, Animal Airways