International Sponsor Network gears up for expansion

Feb 23, 2010, Chicago - International Sponsor Network, an up and coming provider of sponsor request management services, has announced their expansion plans to include representing more major companies and for another office in Portland,OR

International Sponsor Network builds upon its perfected and unique experience in helping the world's most popular businesses filter, evaluate, communicate and manage all their unsolicited requests for sponsorship, product donations, charity requests and various other unsolicited marketing and advertising requests.

Anthony Scott, President and CEO of International Sponsor Network, said, "We started International Sponsor Network in 2007 because we saw a major problem on both sides of the sponsorship fence. The way Companies, brands and online portals are handling these unsolicited requests and the people or businesses submitting requests both need help. International Sponsor Network solves all of these problems and allows both sides to save significant time and money, not to mention eliminating the huge headaches. We first started out with only a few select companies and we plan to expand to help other companies service these requests. We are a human based firm; we offer the very best in request management services and work as an elite extension to the businesses we represent. If needed we can have outside industry leading sponsorship measurement firms evaluate and measure opportunities to ensure proper ROI for our clients. We do not believe in internet based "portals" for evaluate or communicate with sponsorship requests. People can offer a much more broad beneficial service, not to mention proper communication with submissions and the clients. We believe that communication is key in all facets of business and that's what we do, we communicate, evaluate and manage. Lately, we are being contacted by more and more companies looking for better, more effective and cost efficient solution to these requests. "

About International Sponsor Network
International Sponsor Network is a sponsorship request firm committed to helping businesses manage and measure all of their unsolicited requests. International Sponsor Network offers unprecedented and unmatched service and is the industry standard.
International Sponsor Network is located at 13400 S. Route 59 Suite 116-339 in Plainfield, Illinois. For more information, please call 1800-458-6187, email [email protected] or visit


Tags: international sponsor network, sponsorship, sponsorship request, unsolicited request

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Anthony Scott
Press Contact, International Sponsor Network
International Sponsor Network
13400 S. Route 59 Suite 116-339
Plainfield, IL 60585