International Women's Day Coding Event promoted by Mapplinks achieved world records

Mapplinks, a digital marketing agency based in Bangalore was approached by HackerEarth, a platform to discover programmers from across the globe, to promote a 3 day long hacking challenge called, International Women’s Day Hackathon.

The customer had a high target on the number of registrations while ensuring that the budget wasn’t crossed. The event eventually saw a whopping 7314 registrations from 100 countries, which exceeded the target by an astounding percentage. The event created a world record, and was also featured in the Business Standard and Times of India.

The event not only managed to bring women from the IT sector to display their coding skills, but also made them create utilitarian solutions centred on themes such as productivity, social welfare, fun/gamification, and multi-channel retail.

The International Women’s Day Hackathon was sponsored by Snapdeal, Walmart Labs, Harman, Altimetrik, ThoughtWorks, Akamai, SanDisk, Capillary, HCL, AT&T and Mapplinks was the media partner responsible for online promotion of the event.


Tags: Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing