Internet Security Benefits Paying Dividends For Transportation Company

Computer Business Consultants, Inc provided Honey Transport with a new internet solution that is not only faster and more secure, but also has an annual costs savings of over $33,000.

Computer Business Consultants, Inc. of Oakland, FL was recently contracted to by Honey Transport, Inc, to resolve Internet Security issues they were facing within their offices. Honey Transport, Inc are specialists in LTL, refrigerated shipping and were unfortunately repeat victims of Internet malware and spyware infections among various office PCs, on a average of 3 times a month. This would result in taking the infected PCs offline while the infection was removed from the PC and/or the network and also continual slowdowns in employee efficiency while the PC was offline.

Computer Business Consultants, Inc. not only found a solution to their Internet Security issues, but also provided a way for Honey Transport to have faster and more reliable Internet connection with a total annual cost savings of over $33,000. Now, Honey Transport, Inc. has full time Internet Security, Intrusion Prevention, Restrictive Access Control, Content Filtering, Gateway Security, and Internet monitoring in addition to increased Internet speeds and download capabilities at almost twice their previous connections.

Additionally impressive is the fact that this new solution was not just implemented at one location. It was a 5 state install: Florida, New Jersey, Texas, Alabama, & California all with no interruption in daily work flow during the implementation.

Honey Transport, Inc compared the cost of this new investment in Internet speed and security at all of their locations to their previous solution. The savings that Honey Transport, Inc will accrue by the implementation of the Computer Business Consultants solution, compared to their previous configuration, will pay for itself in less than four months. The end result is a faster, more secure Internet solution that costs significantly less than the previous solution.

Computer Business Consultants, Inc. is an innovative information technology services provider specializing in a comprehensive range of services for businesses both large and small. Founded in 1996, the company has offices in Oakland, Florida, and Atlanta, Georgia, and services clients around the world. For more information and a complete listing of services offered, visit


Tags: computer security, internet security, Outsource IT

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