Interview Relational Coaches, Poppy and Geoff Spencer, CPC

AVAILABLE FOR INTERVIEWS: Interview Poppy and Geoff Spencer, Relational Coaches, Speakers, and authors of 1 Billion Seconds
Poppy and Geoff Spencer, CPC


Poppy and Geoff Spencer were college sweethearts who, initially, thought they were destined to spend their lives together—but immaturity and a lack of communication skills got in the way. It took several marriages and life experiences between them to come together 32 years later and build a solid, healthy relationship.

In all of our interpersonal relationships, vulnerability and trust go hand-in-hand. As Relational Coaches, we help people find the courage to identify concerns and to develop, enhance, and repair the communication skills so they can flourish in their interpersonal relationships.

Poppy and Geoff Spencer, CPC, Certified Professional Coaches

Today, the Spencers work as relational coaches and parenting coaches, to provide practical, goal-oriented guidance to couples (and families) at various levels in their relationship, including those on the brink of divorce and have even written a new book, 1 Billion Seconds: A Fictional Memoir, about their 32-year journey to find each other again. 

“In our book and in our coaching practice, we offer our readers and clients a step-by-step process to identify and address the emotions that influence thoughts and behavior.”

The Spencers, who are licensed, specialty-certified New Life Story® Wellness Coaches, guide result-oriented clients to set achievable goals. With Myers-Briggs-certified facilitation, a deep knowledge of and expertise with psychology and neuroscience, they coach people who feel stuck and help them to write new life stories.

They also work with healthy couples, individuals, and families to develop strategies for their relational goals that are achievable and measurable. With a background in therapy, they also help people understand their personality styles and how those styles work together. 

“Unlike therapy, relational coaching is action and goal-oriented and designed to help people get the results they desire,” explains the Spencers. “As Relational Coaches, we help people find the courage to identify concerns and to develop, enhance, and repair the communication skills in order to flourish in their interpersonal relationships.”

In a thought-provoking and dynamic interview packed with takeaways, the Spencers can discuss:

*      The Myers-Briggs personality classifications, and how they influence relationships

*      Steps to keep balance in personal relationships so issues don’t seep into work life

*      Breaking the code on male and female communication: what he/she really means

*     How the 12 emotions on their proprietary Emotional Clock® impact our relationships

*     As parenting coaches, effective tips for families, and how to successfully maintain a blended family

*     How to get an “A” in divorce (especially for the kids’ sake), and a step-by-step process to navigate mediation, with little emotional fallout

*     Overcoming grief and loss: Geoff’s cathartic journey to cope with the loss of his brother in the 2nd tower on 9/11

*      Millennials and Baby Boomers: bridging the divide so everyone gets a trophy

*      Emotional Backpack™: tips for kids in the classroom

*     How vulnerability and trust go hand-in-hand

*     The difference between therapy and relational coaching

*     How to re-frame obstacles and claim them as opportunities

*     Their story: how they lost and found love again

Poppy Spencer, M.S., CPC:

After receiving her Master of Science degree in Art Therapy and working as a Registered Art Therapist for twelve years, Poppy Spencer transitioned her private Art Therapy practice into coaching. A parenting coach, and a psychology professor at Ringling College of Art and Design for seven years, and as a certified Myers-Briggs facilitator, she continues to implement psychology into her coaching relationships and has been a Certified Professional Coach for nearly a decade.

 Geoff Spencer, CPC, is a certified coach having transitioned from a twenty-five-year career in sales and marketing where he specialized in technology deployed in higher education institutions. He is also a speaker, singer, and performer, having spoken in many professional venues, sung in churches and theaters, and performed in multiple community theater productions.

The Spencer's live in Sarasota, FL., and can be found online at and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.


Source: Relational Coaches


Tags: 9/11, Communication, Courage, Hope, Overcoming loss, Parenting, Psychology, Relationships, Self-help

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As Relational Coaches, we help people find the courage to identify concerns and to develop, enhance, and repair the communication skills in order to flourish in their interpersonal relationships.

Relational Coaches, LLC
15 Paradise Plaza #210
Sarasota, FL 34239
United States