Introducing CDNfinder's Content Delivery Network Directory
Online, August 3, 2013 ( - Content delivery networks are complex entities. With so many different services, acronyms and technical specifications, many potential customers can be put off by the technical jargon and vastly differing levels of coverage, performance and support. That's why we at CDNfinder our proud to release our CDN provider directory and comparison website, allowing potential customers to see exactly what makes a provider good and why, in simple language that is easy to understand.
London, UK, 02/05/2013 - With so many content delivery network providers to pick from, it can be incredibly hard for potential customers to sift through the benefits and pricing structures of the best and largest providers, such as Edgecast, Level 3 and Amazon. That's why CDNfinder has created it's highly informative and easy to use online content delivery network provider directory.
Along with our three step method for discovering which content delivery network providers is best for your exact needs, CDNfinder provides a comprehensive list of CDN providers for you to peruse at your own leisure. With over 20 providers listed, you can view various types of information about each company. This includes their background, including the date they were founded, their investors, revenue and number of employees, as well as recent tweets, type of acceleration services offered, an overview of their technical information, current customers and their unique selling points.
With so many of the world's largest providers listed, you can easily create an overview from which you can compare providers and the services, as well as performance and global reach. This is an ideal way for selecting who will be the best provider for your needs.
For a more in depth analysis of your needs, you can provide CDNfinder with your list of data acceleration requirements, business objectives and long term strategy, and we can use this list of providers to create a bespoke shortlist of companies that are most appropriate for you. By creating a highly targeted list containing providers such as Edgecast, Windows Azure and ChinaCache, you can be sure that your data will be delivered with ease and in budget, whether you select a single content delivery provider solution or multiple companies for your delivery needs and online presence.
Tags: CDN Storage, content delivery network, dsa, SSL and Mobile acceleration, streaming