Introducing hpower - the New Force in Dynamic Applications

high power actuators now available at * Reduce cycle times with high frequencies * Generate high forces in a compact design * Achieve instant movement without mechanical play
high power actuators from piezosystem jena

In almost every industrial application, there are parts that have to be moved under extreme conditions. As technology advances, many of these applications require faster, more powerful, high-precision motion. The need for dynamics motion is growing. hpower actuators provide a solution to these challenges by combining unique features such as force generation of up to 50kN and a frequency spectrum of up to 70kHz. hpower actuators can be used in vacuum environments and at temperatures from -60°C to +200°C. At the same time, the solid-state design prevents any mechanical play and allows a compact build size.

From reducing test time in materials testing to increasing machine tool precision to higher frequency ranges in vibration testing or any other application that requires highly dynamic and precise yet powerful motion, hpower actuators are the ideal choice to improve the performance of applications.

hpower actuators are currently available in the following versions:

  • hpower Stack actuators with and without housing with travel ranges up to 1mm
  • hpower Ring actuators with hollow cylindrical design and high rigidity
  • hpower Shake mobile and free tunable solutions for vibration excitation
  • hpower Shock generators designed for single - or bi-directional - output within 10's of µs

hpower actuators are based on different modules of high-voltage piezo actuators and controllers. These modules can be adapted and combined based on the specific actuating task. hpower actuators are supplied with specially developed amplifiers. Choose between high bandwidth amplifiers for shaking systems, peak output systems for shock actuators or high-power RCV switching amplifiers for the best combination of high frequencies and high stroke ranges.

hpower is the result of close cooperation between piezosystem jena and Piezomechanik GmbH, both experts in dynamic motion technology. For hpower, we formed a new team, which inherits decades of expertise in the field of piezo technology, backed by customer feedback from various industries and application-oriented experience.

Our philosophy is simple and convincing: The customer is the expert for the application and our team knows the performance and characteristics of the hpower technology. After close consultation, we develop a motion solution together, ensuring that hpower system works well in all environments. Together, we push the boundaries of dynamic motion technology to the next level.

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Source: hpower by piezosystem jena


Tags: actuators, dynamic motion technology, electromagnetic shaker, fast movement, fatigue testing, high forces, material testing, piezo, piezoelectrical shaker, solid state, testing equipment, testing technology

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PSJ (piezosystem jena) is a worldwide developer and manufacturer of high precision piezo equipment.

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