Introducing New Luxury: Handmade Fashion

Few and Far Selected, a slow fashion brand. Introducing handcrafted accessories. The scarves are made on wooden handlooms by tribes in the Himalaya region.

Few and Far Selected was created after many travels to hidden areas in different parts of the world, working on a basis of creativity and responsibility.

Effortless style, authenticity are at the heart of the brand’s philosophy. These positive values shine through at every level, from design to the use of natural materials and responsible production.

Few and Far Selected, a slow fashion brand. Introducing handcrafted accessories.

Shirene Waters, Writer

Few and Far Selected aspiration is to offer high quality handmade products with an outstanding price-value proposition: Capturing newness in color, quality, fabric and expressing them in a comfortable style using traditional production techniques.

The products are European designed. Partly produced by artisans in the Himalaya region and finished in Europe.

Few and Far Selected supports local communities by collaboration.

For further press information, images or interview/quote requests, please contact Shirene Waters: [email protected] 0031(0)208934201


Tags: accessories, cashmere, crafts, design, fashion, Fewandfarselected, handloom, handmade, luxury, scarves, socialbusiness, style