Introducing the eSupport Club $99 Super Saver Menu of Virtual Assistants Services

Like a Wendy's ® Online Drive-By Outsourcing Solution! Super Saver Menu of Virtual Assistants Services

Hilliard, Ohio - There are a lot of companies out there offering virtual assistant services and other essentials that business owners rely on to start and grow their ventures. However, unfortunately, a great many of these companies who offer the kind of professional-level services small businesses need, have pricing models that often boost their services above and beyond the reach of many sole proprietorships and new entrepreneurs. And with an ever growing number of people starting and growing their own web-based businesses, there is greater demand than ever before for an affordable alternative.

Enter Moving Ahead with eSupport Club, of Hilliard, Ohio, a company with an alternative that allows small businesses and entrepreneurs plenty of affordable access to business services they need at prices to fit into the sometimes tight budgets of today. Dubbed the $99 Super Saver Menu, the list of services they provide offers a different type of model for the industry, budget-sized alternative solutions to those often offered by higher priced outsourcing firms, allowing individuals and small companies to have the same kind of resources as their larger competitors.

"With our new $99 Super Saver Menu, eSupport Club seems to have created exactly what the online small business world has been clamoring for," said Jenny White, Moving Ahead with eSupport Club virtual assistant supervisor and company spokesperson. "The response has been strong and growing rapidly with orders coming in regularly, right from the start."

The menu was designed with the idea similar to the 99 cents menu Wendy's®, the first fast-food chain to create a single price-point value menu in 1988, where all featured items were priced at 99 cents. A partial list of the eSupport Club growing $99 menu of services includes:

1. Ghostwriter services - get ghostwritten ebooks, reports, articles, blog posts and more with all rights. Slap your branding on them and use with your own name as author.

2. Virtual assistants services - finally find an affordable outsource team solution and forget about hiring one person for certain tasks, another person for other tasks, and so on.

3. Web 2.0 and search engine optimization (SEO) promo services that feature link building with a press release plus distribution, Hubpage, Squidoo lens and Linkvana link services to help your site improve its rank with one way links.

4. Membership site and Niche services - relax with hands-off set up and maintenance for your own subscription website or private label rights (PLR) packages.

5. Squeeze Page set up and go help with autoresponder form and audio / video components to help with lead generation activities.

As the menu evolves, it offers professional services that business people, especially entrepreneurs, pressed for time will find particularly useful. Feedback on the menu and ideas for additional $99 specials that could be added to it are invited and welcome.

eSupport Club Free Downloads

To learn more about Moving Ahead with eSupport Club's new $99 Super Saver Menu specials, and offer your own feedback, visit: 24/7. Bookmark the page to keep an eye out for future menu items. And download some freebies while you are visiting, a growing library of tools and other resources for business start up and growth by heading to the "Free Stuff" link in their navigational menu.

For more information about Moving Ahead with eSupport Club, contact the company at 3288 Darby Glen Blvd, Hilliard, Ohio43026. Call toll-free: (877) 833-0926 or visit them at: . Listen to their free podcasts and view helpful videos on their blog at: 24/7.

Media Contact:

Diana Barnum, CEO
Moving Ahead with eSupport Club
3288 Darby Glen Blvd.
Hilliard, OH 43026
Tel: 614-529-9459


Tags: business owners, Ghostwriter services, grow their ventures, Niche services, promo services, Search Engine Optimization, small businesses, virtual assistant services

About Moving Ahead with eSupport Club

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Diana Barnum
Press Contact, Moving Ahead with eSupport Club
Moving Ahead with eSupport Club
3288 Darby Glen Blvd
Hilliard, OH 43026