Introducing: The WordPress Millionaire, From White Collar to Popped Collar

PHOENIX, ARIZONA, March 30, 2016 ( - “My parents thought I was crazy when I walked away from a comfy six figure pharmacist job,” admits Brad Campbell, founder of The WordPress Millionaire — a tell-all blog about his journey from frustrated pharmacist to renegade blogger.
“But now they get it,” he laughs.
Campbell first began blogging about health and fitness six years ago, after coming home from grueling 10 and 12-hour shifts behind the counter “pushing pills” at Walgreens.
“After a couple months of publishing my workouts and diet plans, I started getting visitors from all over the globe showing up, reading my stuff, and leaving comments below each article. That’s when I was like, ‘Holy crap! If I can get my content in front of millions of people without ever leaving the house? This could be huge!’” he remembers.
By 31, he was making enough to retire from pharmacy; by 33, he was making over seven figures a year--all while blogging by the pool on his MacBook Air.
Which brings us to his newest project, The WordPress Millionaire, where he writes about his greatest ah-ha! moments, and shares tips, training, technical advice and hacks to help other aspiring bloggers follow in his footsteps without breaking the bank.
You can visit his website here:
“One thing I’m really focused on right now is showing others how inexpensive and easy it is to get started blogging,” says Campbell.
“You’ll see me sharing lots of coupon codes and discounts for domain names and web hosting… along with step-by-step tutorials showing you how to get a new blog up and running fast--even if you’re a total technophobe and have no startup capital,” he adds.
“I want my work to inspire others. I’m just an average dude who refused to settle for the status quo. In all my years of schooling, I never took a business class. I’ve never worked in sales. And writing is the last thing on Earth I ever thought I’d be doing to make a living. And yet, here I am--pecking the keyboard and loving life.”
“It sounds cliché, but if I can do it? So can you,” he says.
About The WordPress Millionaire
The WordPress Millionaire is a fun, laid-back, digital hot spot for entrepreneurs and business owners who’re interested in using blogging to get noticed, then paid. Learn, laugh, save and succeed by reading the archives here:
Tags: blogging, coupon code, make a website, the wordpress millionaire, wordpress