Introducing Tom Hubbard, The New Horror Author That Promises To Deliver "Nightmares You Can't Get Enough Of."
Online, September 6, 2012 ( - What's the difference between Tom Hubbard, a raging, rabid animal snarling and frantically scratching at someone's basement door, trying relentlessly to get in, or the fear of everyone as they fly across the dark and dangerous waters of the Pacific Ocean experiencing constant thunder and lightning on a eight-hour plane trip that seems to last forever? They're all descriptions of things that might cause people to develop horrible nightmares if they envision them before retiring at bedtime. Tom Hubbard? Well, he's the author responsible for creating all those chilling thoughts that turn blood uncomfortably cold.
Everyone, at some time or another, is frightened of someone or something. Tom Hubbard keeps a master list of each and every one of those things, using his abilities as a wordsmith to fashion each and every sentence into an engrossing tale that creates the nightmares people cannot get enough of. With twists and turns and a seemingly never-ending supply of characters and storylines, Tom Hubbard creates the unworldly scenarios that have quickly attracted a large following of horror fans from every age group.
Tom Hubbard will scare people if given the opportunity. His unusual way of looking at things has been the basis for his popularity. He preys on the unsuspecting with the unexpected, fashioned by a writing style that creates an imaginative readership that virtually scare themselves. It's the most enjoyment people can experience in an attempt to frighten themselves to death.
His first two ebooks are now available at a variety of booksellers across the internet, most notably and (in their Kindle bookstore). They're entitled Necroland and Dark Angel Asylum. Each of the sites has a short synopsis of the book and each is available for download for $4.99 on Book Tango and $4.49 on Amazon Kindle. At Amazon, they even let you look inside to sample what awaits.
When Tom Hubbard promises to deliver "nightmares you can't get enough of", he's sending each and every reader a warning to expect more chilling tales in the scary days ahead.
Tags: Horror Author, Horror Genre, nightmares, Tom Hubbard