Introducing World New Network 2.0

The World News Network is bringing people together around the world in new ways with New Features and a New Look on the World's Most Social News Network.

After months of hard work, Today we're proud to Introduce World News Network's V2.0 which will changes the news world once again.

We all want to read the news and share it with our friends. When we Launched WNN's website in 2011, we brought the world's most social news features to users around the world including social reading, social liking and the best news updates on the internet.

The World News Network's V.2 includes huge changes that we have never imagine doing before including changing the whole site to support the changing Tech World.

We asked ourselves if sharing the news with friends is important to the reader of our site, what would a news site look like with more social features.

Our answer is WNN V.2.0 with a whole new look and tons of new and updated features.

New Look:

After Launching WNN in 2010, the web has changed with more people using mobile Devices then using desktop, Our design team looked into many designs and look to fit the growing mobile tablets and smartphones market. Today we launched our new look that look great on mobile devices like iOS and Androids.

When you go on the site, you will see the design look the similar on the desktop as it does on the mobile devices. We went with a cleaner theme for the site because most users wants a simple and easy Interface to use on all devices that they uses.

New Features including More Social Features and Widgets:

When you load the site, the first thing you will notice is the latest news is updated on top of the site as a slideshow, which you can click though to get the latest news.

You get the latest stocks updates from the world's markets like The NYSE, NIKKEI 225 and more. You also get the latest share prices from the biggest Companies around the world including Apple, Google and more.

Get the Latest weather updates for your area, with the World Weather Network, which provides the best weather updates around the world. This Feature we are planning to Launch later this summer on our site.

Your WNN is a new feature that brings the best news, weather, sports and more to you on one page. This feature is only available to users who signs up on the site with their WNN Account, Social Media logins like Facebook, Twitter and more.

WNN Social Reading and sharing:

WNN has lots of stories which you can read and share with your friends. If you login with your Facebook Account though our site or our App on Facebook, you can share the news with your friends.

Social Reading is one of the feature, when you read a story or a group of stories, with the option to share the read with your Facebook friends, in which you get the best news to your friends and family.

Social sharing is a feature which if you like a story that you read, you can share it with your friends via. Facebook, Twitter and other Large social media sites on the web.

How to get WNN V2.0?:

WNN is available right now to any users right now at

WNN V2.0 is currently in beta, which means there could be bugs and other issues on the website. We will improve the site as we get closer to launching the Final products at the end of the end of September 2013.


Tags: features, new design, new updates

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Eric Boland
Press Contact, World News Network