Invaluable Financial Secrets, Tips, & Advice Now Available on Kindle!

Money Talk Matters, LLC announce launch of "Financial Advice For", an innovative book series that demystifies financial matters, now available on Amazon Kindle.

Stress is dubbed as the silent killer and contributes to 90% of most major chronic illnesses and disease. The number one cause of stress is finances, no matter if a person is the working poor, upper middle class, or even a millionaire. Stress is also the number one cause of divorce. A majority of people do not like to discuss finances, which has caused it to become a mystery of sorts and further compounds the problems associated with it. Once we become adults, no matter what stage of life one is in, we have financial concerns that we need to properly manage.

Each financial stage in life carries with it, its own various aspects that need to be taken into consideration and their own complications that need to be addressed. For instance, engaged couples need to be concerned about how to protect themselves when it comes to legal agreements with wedding vendors. Once married, the couple needs to discuss and decide how to handle money together as a whole unit, as well as their financial goals. After being married for some time, the couple may find they have quite different beliefs and backgrounds when it comes to financial health. At this point, they need to come to an agreement and carefully review and plan their financial goals in order not to become another divorce-over-finances statistic.

Dr. Taffy Wagner, CEPF®, CCRR®, author of the "Financial Advice For" series, provides clear cut direction and insights into financial matters for the many different financial stages in life, even for the unemployed. Her down-to-earth style and straight forwardness provides a clear understanding and profound insights into various financial matters, from protecting investments, to choosing the right wedding vendors. Nationally recognized as a personal finances educator and expert, Dr. Taffy Wagner carefully lays out ideas and areas of consideration the average person may not even think of.

The books available in the "Financial Advice For..." series includes:
Financial Advice for Engaged Couples
Financial Advice for Newlyweds
Financial Advice for Married Beyond Newlywed
Financial Advice for The Unemployed
Financial Advice for The Network Marketer

The "Financial Advice For" series is now available on Amazon Kindle. To learn more about Dr. Taffy Wagner and her wonderful work as a financial expert, visit


Tags: financial goals, financial stages, personal finances

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