Invention Help For The Patent Process Can Be Made Easy With The Right Tools and Patent Attorney Says
Online, April 12, 2011 ( - Just like any property, an invention needs to be protected and kept secure by patent. This way, unauthorized claims or use of it can be avoided. Presently, the United States Patent Office has approved of over 6 million patents since its inception in 1790. Because the world does not run out of great minds with a great deal of ideas -- and not everything has been invented -- the need for invention help and invention patent continues.
Inventors thinking about gaining a patent for their ideas can turn to Since its debut in 2001, the website welcomes visitors with a plethora of articles and tons of information about patents and inventions. As not everyone is familiar with the patent process, visitors are also offered free patent tutorials on the website.
Serving as an invention help resource, guides inventors about invention financing, invention prototyping, invention marketing, patent process and small business. Offering free information about gaining a patent, this website has put together the Patent Law Glossary which inventors can check out to make sure they understand the terms involved in patenting their invention. also discusses government money for inventors, highlighting federal and state grant programs that help realize and market new inventions.
Moreover, offers valuable tips about searching for and choosing patent attorneys. It has an integrated search tool that allows inventors to find the patent attorney for them state by state.
An individual who is simply interested in becoming a patent attorney or agent will also find helpful with its in-depth information including articles on the patent bar exam and law school. In addition, this website is home to various invention tips and the simple ways to keep it protected.
Individuals, organizations, companies and other groups having the beginnings of what could be a great new invention can turn to for comprehensive information about getting the invention patented.
Tags: Business, inventions, Patent