Invents Unveils "Purity", Allows For Private Hygienic Cleansing Before Prayers
New York, NY, December 1, 2014 ( - Islam is practiced by 1.5 billion people, making up 23% of the population and cleansing with water is an important part of the Muslim religion. When away from home, having to transport large, bulky spray bottles can be trying. The Purity is a specially designed, discreet, portable and compact-able personal hygiene cleansing container (travel bidet) created expressly for the Islamic community. It provides a discreet, readily accessible way to attend to personal cleanliness, an integral facet of the Muslim religion.
Discreetly kept on the person, Purity ensures hygienic freshness after every restroom visit and, especially, before prayers, without having to use cups, cans, or other unsanitary, makeshift methods. With Purity, one can privately attend to their ablutions, which is a highly personal and spiritual ritual essential to daily routines.
"To attend to personal ablution, simply remove the compacted bottle, unfold it, and fill the Purity container with water, expanding it to its full size. Then pull out the spray nozzle and point it at the area to be cleaned. With just a squeeze of the bottle, the personal hygiene ritual can be quickly completed. When finished, just retract the bottle to its compacted state and replace in a purse or pocket."
Ayalnesh Chanialew, Inventor
The Patent Pending Purity was invented by Ayalnesh Chanialew of Oakland, CA, who said, “The Purity bottle is an aesthetically pleasing, oval teardrop shape. The body of the bottle is collapsible or fold-able and can be reduced to 3.5 inches. Fully expanded, it can hold between 600ml to 1 L of water. It has a capped, accordion style, pull-out spray nozzle for easy use. This top also has an integrally attached spring clip so that it can be attached to a key chain or other personal item.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 NY, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629
Tags: Islamic Spiritual Rituals, Muslim, Religion