"Invincible Summer" Book Just Won the International Publisher's Award for Best Book in Body, Mind, Spirit Category

Award winning book, Invincible Summer, describes how to push back against obstacles, boost speed of reaction, sense of belonging and respect
International Publisher Award to Invincible Summer

​Invincible Summer just won International Publisher's Award for best Body, Mind and Spirit Book for 2016. The book, by Dr. Ann Polya, describes how to resist and reject difficulties or obstacles and assume leadership with speedier reactions, greater sense of belonging and due recognition. This also allows better inter-generational communication.

Difficulties happen, yet submission can be averted.  By using and sharpening innate powers, this can be circumvented and even overcome.

"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger - something better, pushing right back." ― Albert Camus

Albert Camus, Philosopher

All generations have different priorities and things they value. While respecting these preferences, there are commonalities shared by all generations and actions prioritizing these elements enables better contact and relationships. Acting effectively with improved speed, respecting  preferred groups and showing due appreciation brings super rewards.

Using innate inner strengths, and promoting mental swiftness prompts faster thinking and decision-making. Moreover by taking back control emotions and thoughts means they are less cluttered; so communication is more effective. Invincible Summer is the path to win and communicate well.

"INVINCIBLE SUMMER: aligning our powers" is available at: Amazon.com and Balboa Press

About the Author

Ann J. Polya, Ph.D., is an accredited psychotherapist, executive coach, author and public speaker. She has worked in the private and non-profit sectors, has widely traveled and currently lives in Florida.

 “Invincible Summer” is Dr. Polya's third book. For more see http://annpolya.com

For More Information on “Invincible Summer” by Ann J. Polya, Ph.D.

Hardcover – ISBN- 9781504354318

Softcover –   ISBN- 9781504354295

E-Book –        ISBN- 9781504354301

Available at www.Amazon.comwww.BarnesandNoble.com and www.Balboapress.com

Source: Dr. Ann Polya


Tags: Be Successful, Healthy Communication, Win

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About Dr. Ann J Polya

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Strategic advice on emotional balance and boosting individual competitivity and ability to tackle crises.

Dr. Ann J Polya
396 River Edge Rd
Jupiter, FL 33477
United States