IPF organizing two industrial trade shows in Kolkata in November

IPFonline Ltd is organizing two concurrent industrial trade fairs in Kolkata from November 18th to November 21st 2010.

IPFonline Ltd is organizing two concurrent industrial trade fairs in Kolkata from November 18th to November 21st 2010.

1. Engeetech - An industrial products, engineering and technology trade fair

2. BACE - A Building, Architecture, Construction and Engineering Products trade fair

As of yesterday 152 exhibitors have committed to exhibit at Engeetech and over 75 have committed to exhibit at BACE. Both the trade fairs will be held concurrently at Science City Grounds, Kolkata.

Kolkata is one of India's oldest cities and was the capital of the British in India until 1911. It was the trading outpost and continues to be the trading capital of India. And is certainly the gateway to the east and the North east. These are the relatively new and fast growing markets of India and IPF has recognized this vacuum and decided to host two very timely industrial trade fairs for this region.

The Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BCCI), the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) and the Oriental Chamber of Commerce have already pledged their support for the event.

In addition, a delegation of 35 - 40 buyers, who are affiliated to Bangladesh Engineering Industry Owners Association (BEIOA) and Bangladesh Electrical Merchandise Manufacturers Association (BEMMA) have committed to attend the event and meet exhibitors and participate in a "Buyer - Seller" Meet.

Engeetech and BACE will be the largest shows of its kind in Kolkata and participation either by exhibiting or as a visitor should not be missed as this is the only show, which is brining in exhibitors from across India to do business with the East.

To learn more about the two trade fairs log on to www.ipftradefairs.com



Tags: Engineering Tradefairs, events, Industrial Tradefairs, Trade Shows, Tradefairs

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