IQDesk Ltd. Releases Newest Version Of the IQDesk Business Management Software Now 2.0

The latest version of iQDesk is now available and as such, the business software 'iQDesk 2.0' is designed for increased business productivity and accessibility in mind.

The latest version of iQDesk is now available and as such, the business software 'iQDesk 2.0' is designed for increased business productivity and accessibility in mind. This newest iteration incorporates modern options for users such as sharing, interacting, tailoring and auto-feeding. Furthermore, the software system's unique tools provide an array of management options including embedded auto-updating; sharing, interacting, and tailoring enable the flexibility and simplicity for businesses in mind.

The iQDesk 2.0 software offers seven new modules with unique features including:

Home View: This module gives users a quick, overall view of their business, which comes as a management tool for assistance. Home view provides instant access to expected income and expenses, personal tasks and team tasks closest to due dates, projects and projects milestones closest to due dates and next forecast payments.

Tasks Management Module: This tool is designed to manage the tasks and delegate tasks to other users as well. The unique feature in this tool is that the tasks can be associated to a certain user and with a specific project name and is updated automatically.

Clients Management Module: It is here that users can manage their clients' information, upload clients' files and manage their online access rights. This provides them the ability to see which clients generate the most profit for the business. Plus, information is updated automatically with the clients' financial data and will show them most relevant income from clients and the profit margin generated from them.

Employees Management module: Users can manage their employee information, online access rights and their fees and salaries. The employee salary information will automatically feed into financial modules such as the Quote tool, Project costs tool and the Cash Flow module.

Projects Management Module: Users can manage their project's information, update the project milestones, manage and view finances, check on the progress of a project, see the project quote that fed in automatically and communicate with other team members all on one page. Modules also gets auto-updated from the other modules to allow for easy use and can be shared with other users so they can see and update the project page in line with their on-line access entitlements.

Quotes Management Module: With this feature, users can add a quote for a specific job and send it directly to their client. They will be also able to view the quote on the business software itself and have the ability to view their client view only. From there, the software will automatically calculate the profit margin for the business.

Cash-Flow Management Module: This is where users can manage their current and forecasted payments, fixed costs and overall finances. An overview section will show the users their sources of income and expenses. Users can also select a specific view using the software filters in case they want to focus on a specific project, date, client and cost. A detailed financial chart and graph will auto-generate according with the users specific requirement.

Founded in 2006, iQdesk Ltd. has been in the Internet and technology business since 2006. They are a global company with branches in Nepal, Israel and the United Kingdom. As a company with just eleven staff members, they believe in sharing their knowledge and empowering small business owners through technological means. Their latest update, iQDesk 2.0 is their second release for the iQDesk Business Management Software. The first version iQDesk 1.0 was released in 2009 and had over 20,000 downloads. The Business Software was developed by iQDesk Ltd. Development House.

For media inquires regarding iQdesk Ltd, contact, Business Development, Nira Scialom at 00-44-(0) 7031809961 or via email at [email protected]. To learn more about iQDesk 2.0 or to purchase the software please visit:


Tags: Business Management Software, Project Management Software, Small Business Management Softwa

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Nira Scialom
Press Contact, iQDesk Ltd.
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