Is the MBA You Choose Worth It?

Business management is a domain that requires expertise in terms of being able to multitask and adapt according to the constant changes of the business world. But this expertise is not developed overnight. It takes dedication and a strong academic ba

Business management is a domain that requires expertise in terms of being able to multitask and adapt according to the constant changes of the business world. But this expertise is not developed overnight. It takes dedication and a strong academic background. Therefore, a major part of this decision is made when you choose from the many business schools and MBA programs to enhance your academic know how. Be it a part time MBA or a full time MBA in IT that you pursue, the financials have to be planned to precision. For those of you wondering why post graduation requires financial planning, think again. MBA programs are an investment that you make to enhance your academic skills to better your career opportunity. Like all investments, the MBA program also has a return which you will need to calculate and accordingly take a feasible decision.
IT B schools like SCIT are a unique option that are able to provide a positive learning environment and relevant industry exposures. But not all business schools are able to provide this uniqueness and if you don't choose wisely, chances are your story won't end happily. Yes! You will end up going to one of the many business schools and the degree you get at the end of the program won't hold much value in the industry. At, one point of time, scholarship was looked upon as an excellent way to finance MBA programs. For those doing their specializations through programs like MBA in IT, part time MBA, etc. there were MNC's that step forward to sponsor the education. But things are now changing.
As a result of the recent recessionary phase, companies are not willing to bank upon the talent of MBA programs. The investment is suddenly much more precious. Nevertheless, this hasn't deterred the aspirants from queuing up for admissions to MBA programs in prestigious destinations like Symbiosis Institutes. So, what is it that motivates them?
Well, to put it simply, the students and aspirants of dynamic programs like MBA in IT have realized the high return on investment that MBA programs offer. Therefore sourcing the financials is also getting more creative. From bank loans to part time jobs, students are gradually growing to accept the multitasking culture and become self dependent in their pursuit of academic excellence. After all, the aspiration to get into the finest business schools and is motivated with a strong desire to realize their dreams as well.


Tags: Business management, Business Management Co, business schools, IT B Schools, MBA In IT, mba in Pune, MBA programs, part time mba, Symbiosis Institutes

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