Is the terrorist plot revealed in "White King Rising" by Lee Kessler fact or fiction?
Online, September 21, 2009 ( - Los Angeles, CA -- When Lee Kessler first wrote WHITE KING AND THE DOCTOR she knew she was on the right track about how terrorists think and the dangers we as Americans face when Steve Luckey, International Counter Terrorist Specialist and Security Consultant wrote, "Lee Kessler gets it! She connects the dots."
"Sam" Warner, former NASA Public Affairs Officer & Strategic Communications Consultant, Fairfax, VA says, "In WHITE KING RISING, Kessler's sequel to WHITE KING AND THE DOCTOR, Lee Kessler again displays her depth of intellect and immense talent for seamlessly weaving fiction amidst real-time factual events and people in the current War on Terror. Her ability to connect seemingly random unrelated "dots" delivers a chilling shiver at the absolute plausibility of this back story aimed at America's total demise. You cannot help but ask the frightening question, IS it fiction? ...WHITE KING RISING should be required reading for all those in the military and intelligence communities. And anyone concerned with our nation's security, indeed its viability, needs to read Kessler's brilliant and revealing work."
The "dots" refer to signs of a massive Fifth Column activity imbedded in the United States which has unwittingly been aiding Al-Qaeda. Kessler uncovered something so important she felt that the outcome of the War on Terror depended on it being known.
Major General Paul Vallely, Retired US Army, Chairman of Stand Up America and former Senior FOX NEWS Military Analyst, told Kessler that WHITE KING AND THE DOCTOR, gets it right on how and why Al-Qaeda is dividing America.
In a Fox and Friends interview with Kessler and Vallely, show Co-Host Gretchen Carlson commented that WHITE KING AND THE DOCTOR is a "must read for military commanders." Vallely agreed and went on to say that he told Lee she "had to complete the book because it is a novel based on actual events about the second in command . . . 'the Doctor' who masterminds the operations that have been carried out by Al-Qaeda. So I think every American should read this book ... and those from the Middle East... to understand what happened with Al-Zawahiri and find out who the White King is."
WHITE KING RISING promises to capture the reader and complete the story in an unexpected manner.
As one of only 121 Dazzling Daughters of the American Revolution, Lee Kessler's passion to ensure America's freedoms remain intact, and that the country her forefathers fought for and founded remains a free Republic, drives her writing.
Keep an eye out for WHITE KING RISING in the upcoming weeks.
About Lee Kessler
Lee Kessler is an Emmy nominated television actress, author, playwright, and stage director. Her career in Hollywood and New York spans 35 years and includes dozens of guest starring roles in episodic TV, mini-series and movies-of-the-week and was submitted for Emmy nominations for her starring roles in "Collision Course" and "Which Mother Is Mine?" She co-starred with Peter O'Toole in "Creator." Her play, "Anais Nin - the Paris Years" was produced in New York and Los Angeles, with a subsequent tour on the West Coast. She directed the West Coast premiere of A.R. Gurney's "Who Killed Richard Cory?" Find out more about Lee Kessler, WHITE KING AND THE DOCTOR and WHITE KING RISING at
Media Contact:
Eileen Batson | Batson Group Marketing and PR | 919.327.5021 | [email protected]
Tags: America, daughters of the American Revolu, fox and friends, Gretchen Carlson, intelligence analyst, Lee Kessler, military intelligence, nations security, Paul Vallely, realistic fiction books, Terrorism, White King