It Can Be Done! Launches Every Child Deserves Water GoFundMe Campaign to Raise Awareness and Funds for Safe Water Access in Tanzania Villages

It Can Be Done!

​​​​It Can Be Done! is pleased to announce their new Every Child Deserves Water campaign, a mission which aims to bring safe water access to schools and children in Uru East villages of Tanzania.

Their goal of raising $100,000 will be used to drill a new deepwater maximum-yield borehole with a solar pumping system and piped delivery to schools and public taps. The new water source will expand ICBD’s existing safe water program by extending access from one school to four schools. Community access will also be increased from 3600 to 6000 people.

"Our girls can now use the time to study, do homework or even play instead. Hundreds of households now have access to this water, so our community has saved thousands of hours that can be used for productive work. We are grateful for It Can Be Done!'s efforts to expand this program for Uru schools and families."

Rev. Fr. Godfrey Jumatano, Kishumundu Parish, Uru East

“By shining a light on the tremendous effect that safe water access has on our children’s health and well-being, we hope to raise both funds and awareness to benefit Uru kids and their families,” says Barbara Joye, Co-Founder & President of It Can Be Done!.

Interested parties can learn more and support the Every Child Deserves Water campaign by visiting ICBD’s GoFundMe page. For more information about It Can Be Done!’s organization and projects, go to ICBD’s website at

30,000 children die each day in Africa from contaminated water and 85% of all diseases in African children under 5 are caused by water-borne illnesses. It Can Be Done! creates sustainable opportunities for safe healthy water through community participation projects located in the rural villages of Uru East, Moshi Rural District of the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania, Africa.

In a region suffering from the loss of millennia old glacial waters due primarily to recent catastrophic climate change, women and children suffer greatly, climbing steep unsafe paths with 5 gallon buckets on their heads. Children are particularly vulnerable to waterborne diseases and often miss school in order to search for and carry water to the family.

It Can Be Done!’s existing program currently serves 3 villages and 3600 people, 2/3rds of which are children. Safe water access means that mothers walk less miles, children have opportunity to attend school, women have time for education or income earning and families don’t get sick or die from unhealthy water.

“We’re deeply gratified to see the life changing impact of our safe water program on health and daily life. The enthusiastic cooperation from the water users and village officials of the Uru community through ‘sweat equity’, financial contributions, local management and low water user fees for system maintenance, ensures that these projects are sustainable. We are working to extend the vital access of life-saving water through this current campaign because Every Child Deserves Water,” says Ms. Joye.

ICBD invites participation and support of the current GoFundMe campaign Every Child Deserves Water through social media sharing: Facebook: It Can Be Done-Official, Twitter ICBDorg, #EveryChildH2O #EveryChildDeservesWater.

“Access to this safe water has had a deep impact on us. Our children are thriving so much better than they did before they had access to the Kimocholo water. Additionally, it has greatly freed the time of our women and children…girls especially, and indeed my time too… that used to be spent fetching water,” says Rev. Fr. Godfrey Jumatano, Kishumundu Parish, Uru East. “Our girls can now use the time to study, do homework or even play instead. Hundreds of households now have access to this water, so our community has saved thousands of hours that can be used for productive work. We are grateful for It Can Be Done!’s efforts to expand this program for Uru schools and families.”

About It Can Be Done!

It Can Be Done! is a non-profit educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization creating awareness and sustainable solutions for safe water access, health, education and economic opportunities in Tanzania, Africa. Cooperating locally and globally ICBD brings people and resources together to create lasting impact in the lives of others.

Project construction is locally sourced in Tanzania for economic benefit. Cooperation and community participation through ‘sweat equity’ for trenching and laying pipe, local management and low water user fees for system maintenance, ensures a strong sense of ownership for sustainability.

Founded in 2006, It Can Be Done!’s all volunteer, grassroots organization is made up of a diverse and dedicated group of experienced American business people, health care workers, engineers, community leaders, friends, neighbors and students, who share their skills and open heart, to turn their compassion into action.

Barbara Joye, Co-Founder & President of It Can Be Done!, is available for interviews about ICBD’s efforts for safe water access in Tanzania.


Ryan Sturgis
(847) 404-2171 (cell)

Source: It Can Be Done!


Tags: 501c3, Africa, charity, children, crowd funding, education, girls, GoFundMe, health, non-profit, Tanzania, water

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It Can Be Done! is a non-profit educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization creating awareness and sustainable solutions for safe water access, health, education and economic opportunities in villages of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Africa.

It Can Be Done
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Waukesha, WI 53188
United States