Italians drive less with the crisis. The 2009 ACI-Censis Automobile Report Distributed

Time of crisis, time to save. In order to save, Italians have also cut the amount of kilometers they drive.

This was revealed by the 2009 Automobile Report issued by ACI in collaboration with Censis Services and entitled "From a time of economic crisis, to an eco-compatible mobility".

In 2009, Italians drove an average of 600 kilometers less compared to 2007. The crisis was not the only reason that lead the Italians to use their automobiles less: alternate forms of mobility were also encouraged by the increased number of parking lots (+50%) and of traffic fines (+57%).

Public transportation was the preferred alternate means even if as stated by the president of the Italian Automobile Club, Enrico Gelpi "the study confirmed the inadequacy of local public transportation that has not succeeded in creating a valid alternative to cars not even in times of an economic crisis."

Despite the 7.9% increase in the demand, 46.3% of Italians refused to take the bus and the tram considering them inconvenient and impractical.

"Since one cannot do without a car- added Gelpi- it is necessary to create a new series of incentives in 2010 to help renew the automobile fleet with vehicles having a low environmental impact and equipped with the main security features. These incentives should also be extended to the more modern used cars".

Facts demonstrate which are the most recurrent traffic violations of Italian drivers: no parking, speeding, double parking and failure to use safety belts.

The summary and the full report issued by ACI-Censis can be found n the website and in The news was taken from the italian webzine "Notizie tra le linee".


Tags: automobile report, economic crisis, notizie tra le linee

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