It's a dog's life!, celebrates what it means to be a dog and fills a niche for doggy points of interest with unique content including designer products, interactive maps of walks, videos, pictures and a blog

Release Date: 23rd November 2009, the destination site for modern urban dog owners, has had a re-launch due to the use of a high profile celebrity pet and has been rebranded by digital communications agency Naked Penguin Boy.
This is a site that really celebrates what it means to be a dog today, especially an urban British one, and reflects how life is seen through their eyes, ears and nose.
The's site background demonstrates colors as seen through dog's eyes, not the black and white as once was thought.

Naked Penguin Boy worked with Zag a brand invention business set up and backed by BBH. Zag invents new brands and takes them to market with joint venture partners and helps existing businesses strengthen their brands and get more value out of them.
Dogside, one of Zag's concepts fills a niche for dog products for the urban dog and includes a waterproof jacket, complete with hoodie.

The e-commerce site not only promotes and sells dog products but also forms a place to socialize and be entertained by unique content. It's the place for a whole new range of cool, understated, designer products aimed squarely at today's discerning dog.
The site also contains interactive maps of walks and doggy points of interest, videos, pictures and a blog.

To find out more on go to or to find out more about Naked Penguin Boy go to


Tags: advertising, BBH, blog, designer products, digital, dog, dog owners, e-commerce, marketing, Naked Penguin Boy, online, photos, pictures, video, Zag

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Rowan Heasley
Press Contact, Naked Penguin Boy
Naked Penguin Boy
3rd Floor, Grant House,
56/60 St John Street, London,