Its Good Or It's Bad
Online, October 1, 2009 ( - Its Good Or It's Bad
You have two choices when you advertise.
Your ads can be intellectual (information focused) or emotional (experience focused).
Emotional ads take the reader and lead him along the path of experience. He feels and tastes and sees what the ad writer wants him to: "As the light sneaks in on a cool winter's morning, you feel the soft air tickle your face. You know today is going to be filled with unique experiences that will leave you feeling like there is no place like this on earth."
However, when you choose the intellectual approach to ad writing, it's no joking matter.
Most people write intellectual ads the way they tell a joke. They open with an obscure reference to what's coming, and then they spend the rest of the joke adding little pieces of information working their way up to the punch line.
This is the worst possible way to write an ad. An ad is NOT a joke.
Those who listen to a joke are committed to listening. Those listening to an ad are not.
A bad intellectual ad starts off with a setup, where the writer tries to set the stage for the argument that is to follow. As the ad lingers on, the customer is thinking, "Get to the point, what's in it for me?" In less than seven seconds you've lost the customers attention entirely.
A bad intellectual ad can take up to twenty seconds to get to the point. What's worse is it's a point to a question no-one is asking.
A good intellectual ad begins with the punch line to a felt need, and then quickly backs up any claims with relevant proof.
Intellectual or emotional, a good ad is a satisfying experience.
Are your ads satisfying?
Or are they a joke?
Tags: advertising, Business, carbon copy pro, carboncopypro, marketing, martin van zyl, martinvanzyl