It's Not About Fat, Carbs Or Calories: Chef Randy Rabney Shares Tips For Feeding Cravings With Whole, Healthy And Delicious Foods

Chef and Owner of, Randy Rabney teaches busy people who want to improve their eating habits how to create quick, healthy meals using nutritious ingredients.

Through her company The Conscious Plate, Randy Rabney teaches clients to make healthy foods that they love. Based on her belief that it's not about the fat, carbs or calories in a food, but rather the quality, Rabney believes that there are few foods that are taboo and need to be avoided and instead encourages people to look at the way foods are produced. Along this line, in reference to meat, famed author and food expert Michael Pollan says, "The diet of the animals we eat has a bearing on the nutritional quality, and healthfulness, of the food itself, whether it is meat or milk or eggs." Additionally, chemicals and preservatives added to would-be-healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits can cancel out nutritional value and cause harm. For this reason, Rabney encourages others to evaluate their food choices and look for foods that are closest to the way nature created them.

For those looking to improve their overall eating habits, Rabney suggests introducing great tasting, nutrient dense foods into your diet and shows people how to use them in easy and interesting ways. She recommends things like kale chips, which are delicious and will satisfy your desire for something crunchy, and sweet vegetables like beets, winter squash and sweet potatoes that make great additions to meals and snacks. By taking this approach, the emphasis is on adding more enjoyment and pleasure to eating rather than deprivation. She encourages people to still have their occasional treats but be mindful of the quality and to also ask themselves if they really want it.

Trained at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Health in the Chef Training Program, Rabney provides her clients with the tools, knowledge and support they need to craft their own meals through her programs, including the Conscious Plate Blueprint. With this program, Randy performs an assessment, helps the client set up their kitchen and pantry, accompanies them to the grocery store to select ingredients and then prepares food with the client. To sustain the client's newly realized skills, Rabney provides grocery and kitchen supply lists and recipes for future use.

"I want to empower people to know that they can cook on their own and create delicious and healthy meals for themselves and their families," says Rabney. "I show my clients that they already have a skill set for cooking and I help them harness this. Following a program or session with me, my clients know how to cook, from selecting the best ingredients to improvising on recipes when needed."

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Tags: Chef, food, healthy

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