JACK StudyAbroad Has Record Growth, Helps More Students Study Overseas

What began as student recruitment into Singapore’s education system in 2005 has grown into an agency that employ’s the second largest team in the country with the sole purpose of matching students to their dream universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

JACK StudyAbroad has built its success steadily, and its extraordinary achievements over the last six years have enabled the agency to announce that it is opening branch offices in Hanoi, Vietnam and Jakarta, Indonesia. With its dedicated team, it is no wonder why JACK StudyAbroad is the fastest growing agency in Singapore.

With its expansion and the guidance it offers students and their parents, it’s been said that JACK StudyAbroad is the “new star” in Southeast Asia. It’s free services have given students the ability to study in Singapore and then continue their higher education overseas, which provides them with the opportunity to earn degrees that will secure them a solid future within their desired career.

Alongside providing expert guidance in overseas education, the agency also organizes helpful seminars for students and their parents. Once such event took place on 7 May 2016, and gave over 200 students and parents the tools they needed to, as the seminar was titled, ‘Succeed in UK/Australia Medical School Application at the First Attempt’.

Guest Speaker Dr. Christopher Nordstrom, MBBS BSc (hons) MRCP PgCERT FHEA and an expert in medical school admissions practises, provided comprehensive advice on the application process alongside techniques for scoring higher on aptitude tests and alternatives into medicine should the student still be unable to make the grade.

Students who have heeded Nordstrom’s advice have been accepted into some of the world’s best medical schools, and parents benefit with a better understanding of the processes through which their children must go. The collaboration between JACK StudyAbroad and its partners has the students’ best interests and education at heart.

Their dream is JACK StudyAbroad’s dream, and it is no wonder why the agency has become one of the most established brand names in the region. Its dedication to helping students achieve their overseas higher education goals is what has placed and will keep this extraordinary education agency on the map.

Source: JACK StudyAbroad


Tags: education agency, study abroad, university placement